Part 16

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"Okay class that's all for today"

"Hobi, could you let Kookie know i'll meet him in a couple minutes" Jimin asked without taking his eyes off Taehyung "there's something i need to do"

The classroom was empty and Taehyung didn't even realize. He had spent class listening to music so the outside world didnt exist at that moment.
Suddenly his daydreaming was interrupted but someone pulling one of his earphones out

"We need to talk" Jimin looked upset

"We have nothing to talk about"

He stood up and walked towards the door, but was unable to leave as Jimin positioned himself in the middle

"Why do you hate me so much, Taehyung?!
What have i ever done to you?!
Stop acting like a child!"

"Me, acting like a child?!" Taehyung was getting angrier each second he spent in that classroom looking at the pink haired boy

"Yes, you are! We have been friends forever and now you wont even tell me what's wrong?!"

"Why would i tell you anything?!"

"Just what is your problem?!"

"You are my fucking problem!
It is you i cannot resist seeing! Just fucking disappear from my sight!" he shouted

Jimin felt as if his heart was a piece of glass that had just been beaten with a baseball bat
He was at a complete loss of words

"..Jimin.." Tae tried to hold his hand but the pulled of
"Jimin i'm sorry... i didn't mean that.. i.."

"I said leave!" this time Jimin was the one shouting. He didn't know what to think anymore

"..i'm sorry" said Taehyung and took his leave


Taehyung was laying on his bed thinking about what a jerk he was being to Jimin. He didn't deserve any of that. He knew he was the one at fault. But he thought it'd be better for Jimin if he never knew the thruth, and easier for him if the pink haired boy hated him

"I'll do whatever it takes not to see him anymore.. even if i have to leave school.."

"Tae! Jimin.." Taehyung's mother ran into the bedroom slamming the door
"Tae! There was an accid-

"What happened?!!" he jumped out of bed

"his dad.."

Taehyung's POV

I left the house and ran as fast as i could


It was pouring outside and it was freezing, but i didnt care

I needed to see him
I need to be with him


I dont care about that he doesn't love me
I have to be there

I ran until i was out of breath finally reaching his house
I was completely soaked

There he is! i could see him through the window
He looks so sad..

I was about to get in when i see someone hug him..


Of course..
i wasn't necessary anymore

I didnt move for what felt like hours
i stayed in the same place
in the rain
watching him cry on his shoulder..

"I'm glad, you deserve better than me..
i'm sorry, Jiminie.."


I laid awake on my bes, I couldn't sleep
He must be hurting so much

I had heard Jungkook going into his room a while ago. It was really late.

You have an incoming call:

I hesitated for a second before i picked up the phone

"Why didn't you come inside?"

Did he.. see me? no..

"Why didn't you come inside, Taehyung?"

" have a lot going on right now, i just.. i didnt want to be a bother"

"But you still came all the way here"

" sorry Jiminie.. im so sorry.."
i tried to be as calm as i could, knowing he was a mess on the other side of the line "i'm sorry about everything"

"Would you.. come downstairs?" he asked

I left my room in less than a second,
that could only mean one thing
I ran downstairs not caring if i woke someone up in the process and opened the door

There he was
standing right in front of me
his face soaked in tears

"..he's gone, Tae.. first my mom and now.."

He lived with only his father now, his wonderful mother had passed away a couple years ago.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug.

"Jungkook.." he tried to speak as he sobbed "wants me to go with him. He's going back home.. and i have nothing else here..."

I tightened my arms around him and bit my lower lip.
"Are you leaving..?"

"I don't know.." he answered burying his face on my chest

I grabbed his hand and we got inside the house. I led him upstairs into my room, asking him to sit in my bed
"Wait here"

I ran downstairs again, this time careful not to make noise, grabbed some water and went back.

He was there, on my bed, he had fallen asleep.

He must be exhausted from all the crying
i sat next to him, then started running my fingers through his hair..

"My Jiminie.." i whispered "i'm so sorry you're feeling this way. I'm so sorry iwas a jerk and I'm sorry bad things happen to you.
You deserve only to be happy..."

I leaned forward and kissed his forehead

"That's why i do everything i do.
I just want you to be happy, and i know he makes you that way.
But I haven't been fair to you. So i'll stop pushing you away, even if it kills me

Feels good to finally say everything i feel. Thruth is, I can't keep you out of my head. But i dont have the courage to tell you now that you're with him..."

I got closer to his ear and whispered one more thing..

"Don't leave me
I believe, start running
No ending... you're my heartbeat
No matter how much rain falls
No matter what, darkness erases
I'll definitely save you
You are not alone"

I noticed a tear coming out of Jimin's eyes.. everything that was happening was so terrible..
He must be hurting so much
I dried it, gently caressing him.

"I love you so much"

I laid down next to him, foreheads almost touching and eventually.. fell asleep embracing him

"i love you too.. Tae"



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