Part 18

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After that day, my relationship with Taehyung started to improve. We didn't hang out like before, but he was back to the kind Tae i knew
Only seeing his face made life bearable

Weeks went by and graduation was getting closer

The moment i would have to say goodbye


"Hi, Jimin"

"Hi, Jin. I'm sorry, Mr Kim"

He chucked
"It's okay. You look like you feel a bit better"

"Kind of.."

"I don't like the idea of you being by yourself though"

"Thank you, but it's okay. A lot of times the boys will stay over to keep me company"

"You have really good friends, dont you?"

"Yes, i do.." i felt a bit sad at that remark. Good byes aren't easy and it scared me, to be honest

"Please, ask me or Joonie if you need anything. Okay?" he patted my head and headed to his classroom. He really is a wonderful person

"Jiminie" i jumped as i felt someone hug me from the back

"Oh, hey Kook-ah"

"Listen, i was thinking" he kissed my cheek without letting me go "maybe we could do something today. We could make some dinner and watch a movie"

I nodded "sounds good"

"I miss seeing you smile, my angel. I have to try harder"

"You already do enough, Kookie" i turned around and pinched his cheeks
"I'm heading to class now, i'll meet you afterwards"

"Okay" he pecked my lips and let me go


"Are you really gonna leave?" Hobi looked sad at the thought

"Is not like i have much here anyway"

"Don't say that, Minnie! You have us!"

"That's true.." i leaned against Hobi's shoulder and gave him a faint smile


"Yes, Hobi?"

"Do you love him?"

I kept quiet. I knew exactly what he was asking me.
Jungkook was my guardian angel. He would do anything and more for me. Every second next to him was so sweet and peaceful.. just perfect
I felt like i could spend the rest of my life with him and he'd make me extremely happy.

But... something was missing
I knew i loved him, but i didn't know if i was in love with him

"You guys have been dating for a while now"
Hobi pulled me out of my mind palace
"Have you....?"

It took me a second
no we haven't"

Why though?

Maybe it was time to take that next step..
maybe, that's what i felt missing


We had dinner that night at home. We tried to dont the best we could. It wasn't perfect, but we had fun

"I got this for tonight"

"Howl's Moving Castle! How did you know i love this movie?" i was really surprised

"Taehyung told me. He said it was one of your favorites"

" is" Thank you, Tae


After a while i felt a lot better. Since i was a child i'd watch that movie when i was feeling upset about something. It would always make me feel happy again, and Tae remembered that. I wanted to thank him

"Jiminie.." he said pulling me closer

"Yeah, Kook-ah?"

"I wanted to ask you about.. that thing"

"What thing?"

"Will you.. come with me?" he paused "i know i don't have much to give you but, i want to make you happy. I want to take care of you"


"I love you, Jiminie.." he lifted my chin
"i need you" he pressed his lips against mine, pulling me by the waist and keeping me close

I started kissing him back and it wasn't long until it got really heated

He kept pulling me in and next thing i knew i sat on his lap

His hands caressed my back, slowly making their way inside my shirt. His touch felt so hot i thought i was going to melt

I started to pull back his hair with my fingers without even realizing. Each time getting a groan from him without breaking the kiss

It was so hot

I could feel his muscles through his shirt, and remembering that time i found him shirtless wasn't helping

He finally let go of my lips and buried his face on my neck, causing me to let out small moans

What is this feeling?
It was driving me insane

He positioned my legs around his waist and stood up, holding me, not before kissing me deeply again. He headed for the bedroom and once we got there he laid me on the bed carefully

He took off his shirt and i completely lost it
I pulled him back and i found myself scratching his back as he bit my collarbone

I couldn't take it anymore

I just wanted Taehyung to strip me and do whatever he pleased with my body


I jumped out of the bed terrified of my own thoughts

"Jiminie? Are you okay?
I'm sorry, did i scare you?"

Jungkook looked so worried

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.." not even myself knew what just happened

" my angel" he stood up and walked to me, giving me a hug
"I'm sorry that i scared you.
I understand if you're not ready. But please dont be scared"
he ran his fingers through my hair and cupped my face "i will never do anything you dont want me to" then kissed my forehead

What in the hell just happened?

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