Part 11

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Taehyung's POV

"Ugh my head hurts" i opened my eyes and looked around

Wait, wha- who? Jimin?!
why is he sleeping in my bed?
why am i sleeping in my bed with him?!

oh shit

I jumped out of bed, I remembered

Did we.. kiss?
Oh shit, I kissed him
Oh god
I fucked up
Fucking Taehyung, the one thing you couldn't do

I started walking around frantically and somehow managed to trip with a chair

"hm.. "

Oh shit he's waking up


He sat up rubbing his eyes


He smiled at me...
God he's so beautiful i cant even think straight

Jimin's POV

Why Tae is being so loud?
Ugh what a night..
what a night....

Oh shit..!

I widened my eyes and screamed internally

I kissed him!
no, he kissed me!
we fucking kissed!

Okay okay
dont be stupid
you were both drunk

He probably doesnt even remember..


"Yes!" his voice calling my name made me come back to reality

"Listen, uh... about last night.."

Oh shit, he does remember! omg! i can barely contain myself

Crap, this is so awkward what do i do?
But well, he did kiss me.. maybe it means something?
I tried to keep calm but heart was fluttering at the idea

"I'm sorry.."


"I..i made a mistake" he lowered his head

...a mistake? i suddenly felt like my heart was shattering in a million pieces

"i-i think i drank too much, and..
i know i teased you
but you're my best friend.."

i felt my heart sting
that's right..
his best friend..

He sighed "i would neve-"

"It's s okay"


"We were both drunk.. not that i remember much anyway. we weren't thinking"

"Jimin, i-"

"I said it's fine" i gave him a faint smile
"anyway i dont feel good
I guess i.. better get going"

I stood up and left the place.
This was the moment i realized i had to let go.
I was nothing more than his best friend..

and a mistake

Taehyung's POV

Really Taehyung? why wont you stop being such a coward and tell the guy you fucking like him!

God but he was clearly freaking out
i'm sure he regrets it
how could he like you?

I let out a sigh
Things are probably gonna get awkward because of me

You have 4 unread messages


are you okay?

i'm sorry, i never meant to make things awkward


Jimin's POV

I didnt reply to any of his texts.. didnt feel like going to school for a couple days either

During that time we became distant. I was sure he would feel awkward hanging out with me and to be honest the thought of seeing him hurts

Until finally i had no other choice but to go back to school which meant i would have to meet him at the usual spot

Taehyung's POV

Ugh fucking Taehyung
what did you do?
im sure he doesn't wanna see you!
why did you have to be such a freak and tease him!

he must be thinking you're such a weirdo..

i can't deal with this

I was walking to the place we always met to go to school with Jungkook, beating myself mentally and hoping he would show up today. God i miss him

"Hey Kookie"
i turned around at the sound of his voice
"Hey Jimin"
"Tae.." he nodded, that's it?

"Everything okay? you didnt reply to my texts..or calls"

"Yeah i just wasnt feeling well"

An uncomfortable silence took over until we met yoongi and hobi

"Gah Jiminie i missed you so much!" Hobi was clinging to his arm
"What's up with you, Mochi?" Yoongi ruffled hir hair
"I wasn't feeling okay guys, but now im here"
He grinned at them. He doesn't look okay, i don't care what he's trying to pretend

I should try and talk to him
This doesn't feel right

I should probably be honest, i feel like i'm losing him either way, i might as well tell him how i feel

We reached school and headed into the classroom. The lesson was pretty boring and quiet. Or maybe it wasn't boring, i just couldn't pay attention.
I couldn't stop thinking of how could i tell Jimin i like him so much and what would his reaction be


"How are you feeling, Minnie?"
Hobi whispered, he knew everything that was going on. Jimin needed someone to talk to and Hobi had been his support the last couple days.

"I am not okay... i really try to but, i can't keep my mind off it"

"You need something to keep you occupied. Or..someone" he winked

"I dont think-"

"Listen, i'm not saying you need to fall in love with someone else, at least not right away. It doesn't work like that. But maybe if you went on a date or something, you could stop hurting. And, you could find a new love, who knows?" he smirked and glanced a Yoongi who winked at him

"God he's changed" Jimin told the boy "and who would i go on a date with, Hobi? You guys are all I know"

"Just give it time, Minnie" he put his hand over Jimin's, and it felt reassuring

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