Part 4

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The boys met at the usual spot the following morning

"So this is the infamous Jungkook"
"What do you mean infamous?" He tilted his head
"I'm just messing with you" Hobi winked at him "Welcome" he said moving next ti Yoongi as they walked
"He is cute" whispered, Yoongi just glared at him
"He has bunny teeth, what's so cute about that? And i didn't know you liked younger guys"
"As long as they're cute, which he totally is, and treat me well i dont have a preference about age"
"Is that so.."

"So happy i get to walk to school with you guys" Kookie said grabbig Taehyung's arm.

Jimin's POV

Can you believe this guy? He's always been like this.. so clingy when it comes to Taehyung..
I looked down trying to hide my face as i was beginning to feel upset.
But it felt so heavy..
like that sensation you get when somebody's staring at you..

I looked around without raising my head and yes.. Jeon Jungkook.
He was definitely glaring at me.
Why does he hate me?

"Jiminie" my mind came back ti Earth as i heard Tae calling for me "are you okay? you've been awfully quiet all the way here"

"Ah, i'm fine" i flashed him a smile, that made Jungkook turn his head the other way

Is he.. jealous?

"We'll see you at lunchtime, Kook-ah" Tae ruffled his hair "Let's go, Jiminie"


"Is Jungkook single?" Hoseok turned back and asked Tae
"I don't know, Hobi"
"Well, does he like guys?"
"I don't know, Hobi" Tae was starting to get tired of Hoseok's constant questions

"Yoongi" Jimin leaned forward "everything okay?"
"yeah..why?" he replied without stopping whatever he was doing on his notebook
"You are being really quiet today"
"I'm busy" he replied ending the conversation

"Hobi for the love of God, stop it! You can ask him whatever you want at lunch"

Hobi pouted as Tae scolded him, then looked at his phone to check the time
"speaking of which.."

The bell rang
"Let's go" he stood up and walked to the door "Yoongi come on"
"Yeah yeah"

They all sat together as custom, only today there was a new member
Hobi, that was usually bothering Yoongi, was all over Jungkook.

"So, Kookie.. can i call you that?"
"I guess.. sure" he was sitting next to Taehyung, and just on the other side, Jimin was observing Jungkook's every move

"Do you like guys?" Hobi asked suddenly, causing the boy to choke on his food

"Hobi what the hell?" Jimin said while Tae hit Kookie's back
"You said i could ask him whatever i wanted" Hobi looked at them and pouted

"I'm just gonna leave you guys. I'm not in the mood for Hoseok's.... everything" and with that Yoongi left the table

"ugh, great" Hoseok groaned, his eyes following Yoongi as he walked out

"I do" Jungkook was finally able to breathe again
"And.. is there someone you like right now?"

He nodded, slightly grabbed Taehyung's sleeve . It was swift enough for anyone to notice, but Jimin did. As he also noticed Jungkook was glancing at him again.

Jimin's POV

I knew it! I knew he liked him.
Ugh, that's why he's always making weird faces at me, he's probably jealous that im always with Taehyung

Should i say something? No, Jimin, dont be stupid, what would i say? Ugh don't think about it

"Anybody heard from Namjoon?" i decided to change the topic
"Nah he must be enjoying his days at home" Hobi said before going back to his food
"I texted him yesterday" Tae joined "He said he'd start behaving"
"About time. Hey you know what?" Hobi was as loud as always "we should throw a party"

"By party you mean the five of us.." Tae stopped for a second.. "six of us" he corrected "drinking by ourselves like there's no tomorrow , while you complain about how lonely you are until we're all passed out?" Tae didnt look to happy at the idea

"Touché" Hobi winked at us
"..okay i'm in"

Taehyung's POV

The thought of Hoseok whining all night long didn't sound too appealing, but it'd sure cheer Namjoonie up a bit and would be like a welcome party for Jungkook also.

And the best part is.. drinking with Jimin.
Whenever Jimin got drunk, he'd lose himself a little bit. Not that i don't like his personality, but i get to see him a little bit more how he really is.
I just need to make sure i don't drink too much myself and end up doing something i might regret later.

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