The runaway

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Your POV

I just ran, I had no idea where I was going but as I felt my face where she hit me and the cool tears down my face I didn't care. My horrid step mother had hit me for the final time. And now with no father I had no place to go. Maybe if I ran far enough away I could be found by someone and taken somewhere else.

After running for what felt like hours I reached a large house. As I got closer I felt myself getting more and more tired. The door opened to reveal a sweet looking woman. She was very pretty. "Are you alright?" She asked. "No, my step mother *breath* ran away *heavy breath* can't go back *weeze*" I coughed out. "Oh come on then dear, let's get you inside." She said as she pulled me into the house and sat me on the sofa in the living room. "Thank you" I said quietly. "Oh it's okay, couldn't have you freezing now could we?" She joked. I would have laughed but I was so out of breath, I couldn't muster it. "What's your name?" The woman asked. "Y/N" you said. "Oh, that's a nice name, I'm Evangeline" she told me. "Would you like a drink?" Evangeline asked. "Yes please, hot chocolate?" I asked. She tapped my shoulder and stood up to get me a cup. Not long after, she returned and handed me a mug. I drank it carefully. "Tell me why you ran away" Evangeline said. "Oh, well it's a long story." I said. "I've got time." "Okay, well when I was very young my mother died. My father looked after me but when he got ill he needed to remarry. When he did it was a horrible woman who treated me like a slave. She would hit me too. My father died last night. And I ran away." As I finished my story I saw her eyes soften. "I'll go fetch Mr Brown. Ask if you can stay here, since you've nowhere to go." She said and stood up. "thank you" I shouted. As I sat down I finished my hot chocolate. It was lovely. When Evangeline returned this time she had a man with her. She was also telling him my story. When he approached me he said "oh, we can take her in but she shall have to share a bad with one of the other children." "Other children?" I asked hopefully. I'd never had friends before. "Oh yes, I have 7 children" he explained. My eyes widened. This sounded amazing. "Eric, Lily, Sabastian, Agatha though she's a baby, Christiana, Tora and then Simon. The oldest." All of this sounded very exciting. "Should we tell the children?" Mr Brown asked. "Oh no, we shouldn't wake them. We can tell them all in the morning." Evangeline said quickly. "I could stay here tonight, on the sofa I mean. Especially if I'm sharing. Who would it likely be with?" I suggested. "Yes, good idea. And Simon most likely." Mr Brown said and the left. "I'll go get you a blanket" Evangeline offered. I nodded then layed my head down. With in moments I was asleep.

Simon's POV

I couldn't sleep and decided to get a glass of water. As I walked down the stairs I saw a person sat on our sofa. I rushed closer and saw quickly that it was a young girl. Maybe around y/a. She had a pretty face and slightly matted h/c hair. She seemed peaceful. What was she doing here? I asked myself. Then Evangeline walked around the corner and I stood up quickly. "Oh, hello Simon" she greeted me. "Who is she?" I asked, gesturing at the girl. "Oh, that's Y/N. She doesn't have a home at the moment and your father quite kindly let her stay here." She explained. "Oh" I said. I would rather like a new partner in crime, I thought. "Oh and Simon" Evangeline said. I hummed to show that I was listening but didn't take my eyes off the girl. "She'll be staying in your bed because we don't have any more spare beds" she informed me as she placed a blanket over her. "What!?" I almost shouted. "Shhhhh, she's asleep" Evangeline hushed me. "She's sleeping in my bed?" I asked. "Well, you did seem quite fond of her" she smiled. I felt myself blush slightly. "Simon, did you want something?" She asked. "Hum, oh I couldn't sleep. I was going to get a drink" I said. "I'll get you one, you head back to bed" she said. "And they'll be a new Nanny tomorrow" she reminded me. "Yes" I said. "And we've got a new recruit" I said slightly quieter so she wouldn't hear. I took one last look at the sleeping girl then walking calmly back to bed.

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