Sick day

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Your POV

I woke up with Simon's arm wrapped tightly around my waist and his chest pushed against my back. His breathing was calming and I could almost feel myself drifting back off to sleep. I couldn't, however, because Nanny McPhee arrived through the door. "I will give you 30 minutes to be up, dressed and ready to get some fresh air before lessons start at 9 am sharp." She said, and then left. "I don't know about you" Eric said. "But I want to stay in bed." I felt Simon wake up next to me and propped himself up on one arm, keeping the other wrapped tightly around me. "Eric: hold the thermometers under the hot tap, Sabastian: chalk, Lily: peppers." He commanded, and instantly everyone got up to do as he said. "How do you know that she won't do something horrid to us?" Tora asked. "I've worked it out, she's a trained hypothesis. Don't look into her eyes and she won't be able to hypnotise you" he explained. His voice was groggy from sleep, it made butterflies form in my stomach. I felt him lay back down, then very close to my neck whispered "you know, I could really get used to this". I felt myself blushed. "I could too" I said quietly as some of the others arrived. "What are we doing?" I asked. "Measles" Simon said as all the other children began putting chalk on their faces and adding red spots. I took a handful of chalk and blew it at Simon. He coughed and spluttered then did the same to me. Me and Simon drew on each others spots and when Nanny McPhee came in everyone began acting ill. "We can't get up" someone said. "Colds in our noses" Chrissy added. "We think it might be the measles" Sabastian said in his best sick voice. "Oh dear, then I'm afraid you must stay in bed" Nanny McPhee said. As she turned to leave I saw her lift her stick. I pushed my head into the crook of Simon's neck. Finally when I heard the stick hit the floor I went to sit up and found that I wasn't able to. All the other children had stopped giggling. "I think I've got a temperature" Lily said. "Don't be silly" Simon snapped, but I could see him rubbing his neck. "Simon, I can't get up" Tora said. "You must have looked at her then" Simon said.  As other children started shouting at Simon I had had enough. "Stop shouting at your brother!" I yelled. Suddenly everyone stopped. "It's your own fault, not just his" I added. Everyone stayed silent after that. "thanks, no one ever sticks up for me like that." Simon said quietly. "It's alright, they shouldn't always shout at you. it was their own doing." I responded. He smiled at me and then placed his arm back around my waist; "I guess we're stuck like this all day" he mumbled into my neck, accentuating the "all". I laughed slightly, "I guess so". "get a room!" Eric shouted from his bed. Everyone laughed. "trust me, we would if we could" Simon said as he sat up. I heard a few of the older children go "ohhhhhh"

Just at that moment, Nanny McPhee walked through the door holding a black glass bottle with "measles" written on the front. "what is that?!" Someone asked. "Measles medicine, to be administered every hour" Nanny McPhee said. "Actually, I don't think it is measles." Sebastian chimed in. "How can it be anything else? The chalky white completions, the vivid spots, the body temperatures of 120 degrees. I've seen it time and again. definitely measles." Nanny McPhee told us. "Now, who's first?" she asked sweetly, turning to me and Simon. When she pored it out onto the spoon it bubbled like hot tar. "I'm not taking that!" Simon snapped. "Then you will not get any better. Believe me." "I'll go first" I offered. Simon looked at me surprised. "Open wide" Nanny McPhee instructed. "I can do it myself" I said. She tutted and handed me the spoon. I took a deep breath as put it in my mouth. The liquid was horrible tasting. I felt Simon hold my hand. I squeezed it and sat up as I swallowed the horrific mixture. I opened my mouth as I coughed. "Who's next?" Nanny McPhee asked simply.

When everyone had taken their medicine she left again. "Why did you go first?" Simon asked. "Get it over with" I shrugged. He smiled at me. "Well if we have all day stuck like this, we might as well talk." I suggested. everyone sat up as best they could. "What should we talk about?" Eric asked. "I don't know, tell me about your father. I haven't seen much of him" I said. Simon placed an arm around my waist as Tora started to tell me about her father; "His first name is Cedric. He works in the funereal paler. You haven't seen much of him because if I'm honest with you, we don't see much of him either." she paused sadly. "It's since mother died" Simon added. "All that he has time for now is finding himself a lovely, new wife." everyone was silent for a minute. "I'm guessing that you don't want a new mother? I mean, I wouldn't if I was you" I offered. "No, of course we don't" Lily snapped. "She would be like yours, horrid" Eric added. I hadn't seen any pictures of their mother yet, but she sounded lovely. She had to be, raising such amazing children. I wish that I had known my mother longer. Simon noticed my gaze and rubbed my side, "you alright?" he asked. "Oh, yes, I was just thinking about my mother" I said quietly. "what was she like?" Simon asked kindly. "I don't remember her too much. she looked a lot like me. we had the same eyes. I remember her singing a song to me. But that's it." I explained. "What was your mother like?" I inquired. soon every child in the room was saying wonderful things about their mother. "beautiful" and "kind" were said until Tora paused. "She was a lot like Simon."she said quietly. I could feel Simon physically stiffen when she said this. I placed an arm on his shoulder and rubbed it softly. He turned to look at me and as he did so I could see a mix of reminiscent joy and sadness in his eyes. Subconsciously, we both leaned into each other. Our lips had almost met when Chrissy suddenly asked "Y/N, what song did your mother sing for you?" Me and Simon instantly pulled away. I thought that Simon looked disappointed but I must have imagined it. I paused for a moment and then sung "Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, merry merry king of the bush is he. laugh Kookaburra laugh, Kookaburra gay your life must be." When I stopped Simon whispered "you've got a beautiful voice". "Thanks, but my mother was better." I said. And then we all fell into silence again. Simon with his arm around me and everyone else looking at the ceiling.

Simon's POV

In that silence I finally let myself accept it: I was in love with Y/N. The way her h/l h/c fell blew in the wind, the way she smiled at me, how adorable her laugh is and how when she's in my arms I feel like I'm home. I didn't mind being stuck in a bed with her, the issue was having everyone else here too. Maybe it's a good thing that Chrissy interrupted our kiss. I wasn't even sure if she liked me back.

Suddenly cook burst into the door. She started pouring out a duscusting looking soup stuff. "Cook" Y/N pleaded sweetly. "Yes" cook said. "Can I have some water please?" She asked. "Yes, I'll get you all some. Anything else?" Cook asked. "Some toast to go with our meal" she asked. Cook looked at her disapproving. "Alright" she said and then marched downstairs. "Thank you" Sabastian said. "You're a lifesaver" said Eric. "It's just toast" she said modestly. "Yeah, but I'm not eating that" I said as I put my bowl on my bedside table. Within minutes we were each given a glass of water and some toast each. "thank you" I mouthed to Y/N. "It's fine" she said and we began to eat.

By the time father got home from work, all we had eaten all day was some toast. Y/N had also fallen asleep on my shoulder. I checked to make sure that noone was looking, and placed a single kiss on her forehead. She smiled in her sleep and curled up closer to me. I heard footsteps and turned to see father in the doorway. "Were you ill?" He asked. "It wasn't our fault" I defended. "Oh god Simon, I'm not saying it was anyone's fault. You can't help it if you're ill" he said. "Can we get up please?" We all asked. "Since the children are feeling better, maybe they can have some supper" Nanny McPhee said. Everyone cheered. And as quickly as they had arrived they were gone again. I felt Y/N stir in my arms. She woke up with a jolt. "Bad dream" she breathed. "Don't worry, it wasn't real" I said. "And we can get up" I added. "I don't want to" she said as she pulled me closer again. "What was your dream about?" I asked. "Step mother" she said.

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