Kiss on the beach

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Simon's POV

That night I held Y/N tightly in my arms, as if letting her go would mean never seeing her again. She seemed so calm and peaceful. I remembered the first night I saw her, with messy hair and dirty cloths. Even then I thought she was beautiful, since then I've fallen madly in love with her. I couldn't deny it anymore. I thought of her going with Aunt Stitch. I couldn't bare it. I wouldn't be able to sleep without her in my arms. She meant everything to me. I just knew that I could never tell her. I pushed a strand of hair from her face and placed it behind her ear. "You love her, don't you?" Lily asked. "Don't be stupid" I hissed. "But what about what happened today?" Eric asked slyly. "Alright, maybe I like her a little" I admitted. "But we need to go to sleep." I said firmly. I placed a kiss on her cheek and fell asleep with her pulled into my chest.

When we finally awoke we all got up and dressed. I could see Tora, Lily and Y/N talking. I walked closer as I went to go downstairs. I could just hear what they were saying. "You know he kissed you last night?" Lily whispered. I knew instantly that they meant me. I felt my face flush red. "Right there" Tora said, pointing at her cheek where I'd kissed her. I didn't want to see Y/NS face. I quickly ran downstairs. I knew that she was going to hate me now. On my way I ran into father. "Oh, hello Simon. Nanny McPhee is taking you to the beach  this afternoon. Are you alright?" He asked. "No" I said quietly. "Y/N, I ruined it. She hates me." "Oh dear" he said. "It'll be alright, I'm sure she doesn't hate you." He said. I just pushed past him and kept running. "Come on" I heard Nanny McPhee shout. "We're going to the beach."

When we arrived everyone ran off to do different things. "You can't change the past, can you?" I asked Nanny McPhee. "No, I can't." She said plainly. "What is so bad that you want changing?" She asked. "I messed things up with Y/N. I think she hates me." I explained sadly. "Have you spoken to her?" Nanny McPhee asked. "no" I mumbled. "Talk to her" she said. Then shooed me off. I sat down on a rock and looked into the clear blue sea. I heard someone sit down next to me. "Simon?" Y/N asked. I felt my heart beating faster and faster. "Yeah" I said. "Did you kiss me last night?" She asked as she turned to face me. I looked into her beautiful eyes. "Sorry, yes" I said as I looked down. After a minute she said "Simon?" I turned to face her: "close your eyes" she instructed. I carefully shut my eyes. I felt something soft press against my lips, when I opened my eyes I saw that Y/N was kissing me. It was perfect. Yesterday I would have done anything for her to kiss me. I instantly kissed her back and after a minute we slowly pulled away. My heart was still beating like crazy. "I'm guessing you don't hate me then?" I joked. "Of course not" she laughed. "I couldn't hate someone that cute" she added. I felt myself blush slightly. "You know, I always thought that you were beautiful" I said. She giggled then reattached our lips. Everything about her was perfect and I felt like the luckiest person alive.

We pulled away as Nanny McPhee began to tell us about Ms Quickly. She sounded horrid. Then Nanny McPhee suggested that I go and talk to father about her. I knew he wouldn't listen, but whatever keeps the witch happy.

Later on, when we were back from the beach I went to visit my father. I was greeted by two very dippy men. "I'm looking for my father, Cedric" I said. They disappeared and then pushed me into a room. My father was mumbling something but then he noticed me. "Oh, Simon my boy, come in. Come in" he said. "Father, we have something to ask you" I stated. "About Y/N?" he asked "no" I snapped. "I already fixed that. Who is Ms Quickly?" I demanded. After a bit of stuttering he said "she's a friend" "just a friend?" I asked. "Now that's not really your business is it, my boy?" He said "well it is if you're going to make us have her as a new mother" I retorted. "Who said anything about a new mother?" He asked. "Well it's true isn't it, you are going to marry her." I said. "It is not your place to question" "but I didn't" "you are children, you do not understand the adult world" he snapped back. I knew he wouldn't listen. "You must leave me at once. Go home, now, go!" He pointed at the door. As I reached it I turned around. "You never listen!" I shouted, then I turned back and ran to the house. I ran strait upstairs to Nanny McPhees room. When I arrived I knocked twice and waited. "Nanny McPhee" I called. No answer. I turned around to leave when I heard the door loudly opening. I quietly walked inside and found her cane leaning up against a wall. I picked it up, lifted it an inch above the floor and slammed it down with force. When I turned around Nanny McPhee was sat in her chair. I jumped back slightly and put the stick back. "I did knock" I said. "I know, I heard you" she said as she put down her tea. "What can I do for you Simon, because after what happened at the beach, I am assuming that you no longer want the past changed." I blushed, "you saw the kiss then?" I asked quietly. "Yes Simon. Now what was it you wanted to ask me?" Said. Everyone saw me kiss her, great. After a bit a stuttering I asked her "what I mean is, you're on our side. Aren't you?" "I am not on anyone's side" she said bluntly. "Oh, so will you help us get rid of Ms Quickly?" I asked. "I cannot" she explained. "Then will you let us do whatever we need to do to get rid of her?" I asked. "Will you accept any and all consiquences?" She asked. "Yes, yes" I said. "Very well then. I will, as you put it, let you do whatever you have to do" she said and then began to drink her tea. "Thank you Nanny McPhee" I said as I ran to my siblings and my bedroom. And Y/N of course. When I entered I began to tell everyone our plan. This was going to be fun.

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