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"I love you too." I didn't know that those 4 words could mean so much until now. Minhyuk smiled the brightest ive seen him smile in a long time. Tears suddenly brimmed his eyes.

"Minhyuk why are you crying?" I wipe his tears.

"I'm just so happy." He lays his forhead on my shoulder. His tears dripped onto my shirt but I disregarded that. I pulled him closer.

"You guys are to cute its gross." Changkyun said turning on the faucet to fill a glass.

"Shut UP sexual tension." I snap at him pointing out there obvious decined interactions over the past few days.

"At least I have the balls to still talk to him if he runs away." He smiled maliciously (with intent to harm)

I raise my hand with all of my fingers down except from one in particular. Changchyun pretends to be shot.

"At least I have a cute boyfriend! I feel bad for Kihyun. He could do better." Minhyuk put his hand on changkyun shoulder in an apologetic way. That's my boyfriend! I smiled at the thought.

"Woowww calm your self minhyuk. At least I'm not seen parading around with 'the help'" changkyun left as minhyuk laughed.

"THATS WHY THIS IS THE FIRST TIME WE'VE TALKED!!" minhyuk yelled after him. I chuckled at him.

"Nice ones!" We high fived but I grabbed his hand so he couldn't pull back.

He suddenly blushed and looked up at me. His eyes so innocent yet mistivious. His hair brown but shiny. His blush red and soft. I could stare at him for hours.

I intertwined our fingers and looked him in the eyes. He bit his like in a neurvas manner. His teeth trapping the plump skin under them as he stares lovingly at me. His small brown orbs carrying more emotion than the universe could hold. In that single inch of space. An eternity of emotion.

"Minhyuk." I paused for dramatic effect.

"Will you be my boyfrie-" before I could finish he had an answer.

"No." Then he smiled and brought his lips to mine. I was in shock. He said no.

Then put lips met and I senced the lie in his words.

"Lier." I stated after the kiss smiling at him.

"Oh I'm so sorry captian!" He referd to my basketball leadership. I smirked.

"Well every captain has a cheerleader as his lover so where do I find one of thos?"

"Well I don't know maybe there's a boy who could help you with that."

"Were the litteral most cliche couple."

"I don't think so." He he thought aloud

"And why is that?" I put on a extra curiosity face.

"Oh I don't know. The fact that were gay as hell." He smiled and kissed my cheak causing me to smile.

"Then I guess well call it 'A Typical Love Story'."

"Or we could call it gross."

"GET OUT KIHYUN!!" we yelled in unison and giggled together.

Thank you all for reading this book!!! I had so much fun with it and I'm actually planning a sequal so don't miss it!!❤❤

Love you all sm!!!


typical love story? ~JooHyuk (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now