Book 1; Earth, Episode 4: The Avatar Training

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"14 years ago Korra was first found as the avatar and now she is a fifteen year old girl who is still practicing her earth bending technique, now how will Korra learn to earth-bend."

At Tonrocks house Senna and Tonrock were cleaning up the kitchen as Korra came into the room. "Hi mom and dad." She said. "Hello Korra." They said. They all hugged as thy pulled away and then she smiled. "How was practice?" Asked Tonrock. "It was good and guess what mom and dad, I am about to do my first earth bending test tomorrow." She said. "I'm so happy for you." Said Tonrock. "Me too." Said Senna. "So are you going to be working hard?" Asked Tonrock. "Oh you bet I'll be." She said. She ran off to her room as Tonrock smiled happily.

The next day Korra woke up and she ran outside and saw her pet polar bear dog sitting there. "Hey Naga, ready for a little stroll?" She asked. Naga wagged her tail as Korra put on the saddle and then she jumped on Naga and Naga flew off out into the storm and then they went through the fields and then Korra wacked the rope harder. "FASTER GIRL!!!" She yelled. Naga started running faster and then soon they were blazing through the snowy plains as Korra started thinking of her earth bending. Suddenly Naga stopped as Korra kept thinking. "What's going on girl?" She asked. She looked up and saw a tree in their way and then she turned Naga right and they went off and then Korra looked up and saw the temple.

Naga ran faster and they headed to the temple as they finally got there and she jumped down and then she entered the temple and saw Katara meditating. "Are you ready Korra?" She asked. "Yes Master Katara." She said. They bowed down to each other and then Korra followed Katara to a court area as she saw people in the bleachers clapping as she entered and she looked up and saw her mom and dad there waving at her as she waved back. "Alright Korra, for your first test you have to lift up these boulders and shoot them right into the targets." Said Katara. "Alright let's do this." Said Korra.

She picked up a boulder and shot it into the target as everyone clapped as Korra jumped around kicking boulders into the target holes and then she came to the last one. "Come on Korra, you can do this." Said Tonrock. Korra glared and kicked the boulder in the hole and every one clapped as Korra smiled and looked at Katara. "Good job, you have passed." Said Katara. Korra bowed to Katara and then to everyone else and they all clapped. "Good job." Someone said.

Later back at the house, Korra was practicing her earth bending as she landed on her finger and she spun around and kicked five different rocks to the sides of her room. "I will be a great avatar." She said

To Be Continued...........

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