My life was full of bull shit until she came....

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I'm publishing this temporary because somebody requested me so that they can read it.For now,not really any much activities so we're still in the green zone.

Im looking at my beautiful girlfriend.She was sleeping beside me with her cute snore.Her face gave me comfort and made my past go away.Eventhough I wanted it to go away completely but it is still there in my head to haunt me everyday.Without her I don't know what I would become.


I was 6 years old,its the first day of my school life.I hugged my parents and waved at them with a bright smile on my face and they did the same.I loved my parents more than anything.Without them,I don't know where to go.I hopped of the bus and looked at the school in awe.I was nerveous because its my first time being in school and away from my parents.I shrugged it off and walked into class.Honestly school is pretty fun.I learned a lot and my favourite subject is maths.I made a few friends.The bell rang to indicate that school sessions has finished.I rode a bus to my house.I was so excited to meet my parents.I walked a couple of steps and a scream can be heard.The scream sounds like it was comming fron the kitchen.I decided to shrugged it off because sonetimes mother likes to do that when she accompilish something.I saw the door of my house suspicialy open.So I decided to ran inside and head staright to the kitchen.What I saw made me traumatize even until now.Tears streaming down from my lifeless eyes as I watched my parents got slaughtered by a figure in front of me.I unable to do anything except to just sit there and get ready to reunite with my parents but it never came.

Someone saved me.I don't know if I want to be mad for not letting me to meet my parents or happy that someone came to my rescue.I have mixed feelings and no one understands this.No child wants to see their parents get killed in front of them.I been adopted by the one that saved me his name was Alex and I call him father.It was only me and him in this new family of mine.

7 years later,I Graduated from elemantary school to high school.I had many friends as well as bullies.They normally bullied me with some names here and there but I shrugged it off.Unfortunately,one day,my bullies crossed the line,"hey kid wonder where is your mother or you got adopted because no one cares you."they mocked.I was angered by this and I punched the heck out of the guy and it made him flew to the lockers.His friends starts to charge towards me but I punched all of em to the ground with no mercy.This somehow made them cry.Its funny that the mockers also have feelings.Im about to give them a blow to knock them out but of course our teacher is there and stopped us.At least I gave them a warning to not ever mess with me again.I got detention and had to go home late.This is when I found her.I was walking home but something caught my eye.I looked at the old building part of the school and I saw a red beauty just standing there with a smile on her face,looking straight me.Without me noticing,we were in a starring contest but I loss it as I was snapped back to reality.I waved at her as she did the same.I went home to have some quiet time but oh boy how I was wrong.

My 'father' had been informed that I punched some kids in school.How I know this? well he told me this and punched the hell out of me.He was not himself,he was wasted because of drinking.This is the first time I saw him being drunk.Maybe he was upset that how I behave at school.I tried to explain and of course explaining things to a drunk man is like explaining things to a wall.I got abused by my father.He was way stronger than I am.If I tried to fight back,he will just overpower me.From there I got abused by my father almost daily.I hid my cuts and bruises from my friends because im afraid that they will laugh at how pathetic I am.One day my 'father' died.I was happy but in the same time sad because he loved me until I made him like this.

I was walking in a park with my girlfriend named Raven.She was cute as hell,beautiful and don't let me tell how hot her body was.she stopped and look at my eyes,"Thanks for today and now its time for you to die."she said as she stabbed me with a light rod.I was shocked and it took me at least 5 seconds to realize what situation I am in,"You look cute but what a waste,you got a sacred gear."she said as she left.I was on the floor,blood rushing out of my wound,"So this is how I die."I thought to myself as I closed my eyes.The only thing I saw before I shut my eyes was a crimson red hair girl rushed towards me and called my name.

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