Its time to get the hell out of here

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(Y/N)'s POV

I sense his presence.......
His comming......
More torture.......
But,not today.......

He did his usual routine,picking up the plier and ready to make me suffer but I broke lose and punch his face to a wall and flew up.My wings has its new appereance from all the cutting.From....


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"YOU FUCKING BRAT COME DOWN HERE."He screamed.I guess I need to give him my 'thanks' for making me stronger.I flew down and punch him in the stomach hard until I can hear bones breaking. I smirked as I uppercut him ,throwing him in the air.I wanted to strike him again but he caught me off guard and threw me to the ground.I crashed but I recovered just in time before he got the chance to slam me,"Not bad but I can do a million times better."I said in a cocky tone as I crack my fingers.

"I said in a cocky tone as I crack my fingers

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(Yes its from Tokyo Ghoul)

I rushed him in a speed of light and kicked his jaw sending him upwards again.I flew and burn him using my wings.Leaving him on fire running.He manage to get a hold of my leg while him burning.He twisted my leg a full 1080° but it doesn't hurt me even a bit.I twisted it back and kick him with the mommentem from the twist,"After all you done to me,you think thats gonna hurt me.You're pathetic."I said coldly,"SON OF A BITCH,YOU THINK YOU CAN KILL ME EASILY,DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH."he screamed.I smirked as I rushed behind him and stab him from the back.This made him fell to his knees and to the ground. flat on his belly.I summond four more spears and stab in his 2 hands and 2 legs making him totally pinned to the ground.I took  two centipides I found from my ear and put in his.He screamed as the centipides eating him from the inside.His screams are music to my ears,"Im not as cruel as you.I won't torture you but you're gonna die a painful death.Don't worry it will be over quickly if you're lucky."I said.He cried and beg me for mercy but the caring and lovely (Y/N) died a long time ago.I took his masked before I crushed the ground hard and flew upwards.The whole island crumple and sinks.I smirked at this as I wore his mask and moved on.


Right now the only goal that I have in my mind is to kill all fallen angels.Fallen angels are the lowest of the lowest of beings.I can still manage with angels but with fallen angels? There are more violence and even worst than devils.At least some of the devils.I fought here and there and now,the amount of fallen angels killed were uncountable,the last time I counted it was 1000.How did they have a lot fallen angels? I didn't know myself.

I was walking in a park in the middle of the night with my masked on.

I was walking in a park in the middle of the night with my masked on

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saw some fight going on.It was devils against priest.I was tired but I see the devils are losing so I decided to butt in.A few bullets were shot by the priest and from my perspective it was holy bullets.I flew and burn the bullets away with my wings.I helped the purple hair girl got up.I must say she does has beautiful purple eyes.Something tells me I know her.

Something tells me I know her

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just shrugged it off,"You need to be carefull there beautiful,don't want yourself to get killed."I said as I saw some red tainted dust on her face.She was about to say something but A bullet was shot and I caught it with my fingers.This is nothing,compare to the torture.I turned around and rushed the priest with a sword I summond,"Did your mother taught you manners? Did she taught you to shut the fuck up when people are talking."I said as I slashed and slashed with my sword.He was silent and tried to focus on the battle.Unfortunately for him,he was too slow to keep up.I caught him and slit his throut.Leaving him bleeding to death.I got back to the group to just say my goodbyes.It was weird that I felt some animosity towards these two

It was weird that I felt some animosity towards these two

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"Thanks Mr. for saving us and mind if you tell us your name?"the red hair gurl asked,"Well you can call me Lord of destruction and I'll be on my way."I said as I turned and walked away.I forgot to ask for their names.Ahhhh we might cross each other's path again.For now im on my own path.

Akeno's POV

I don't know why the guy with the mask sounds so familiar.Suddently,memories of (Y/N) flashed inside my head.I realized one thing.Is he? nooo way his hair is not white and his wings is not like phoenix.As much I want to ignore the fact that the masked guy could be (Y/N),some of my part wants him to be (Y/N) so I can convince myself that he is still alive.Its been 2 years since I saw him.I can't move on and I'll never move on,we maybe far in distance but really close in my heart.I saw Rias's face was also confused and we talked about it.It looks like she also suspects that the masked guy is (Y/N).One day we'll meet again.

(Y/N)'s POV

Finally I able to fricking rest.Damn,all those killing made me exausted.I looked at the fan rotating and I looked into my bag.Suddently a picture came out one of the pockets of my bag.I rarely checked my bag and almost wore the same clothes everyday so I was surprised that they were a picture in my bag.I don't know why but when I see the whole group in the photo,my tears came out without me realizing it.But still I don't know them......

???'s POV

I looked at my rival in disgust.Hhahahaha,who he think he is,killing all the fallen angels? And the what made him my rival and most pissed off is that he has the same phoenix wings as I am.There is only one guy that can live in this world with those wings and thats me!!!! Don't worry Im gonna make you suffer.HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Just you wait imposter.....

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