Against a Phoenix

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was walking to my front door.I saw a letter on the bottom of my door.I picked it up and read it.

Dear (Y/N)

You must wondering who sent this letter and how I know you.Well if you go to the address behind this letter before midnight,your friends might survive.I say might survive,remember that.Come here to save them you cunt.

I finished reading it as I looked behind this letter and saw the addres he was talking about.It is somewhere in hell.

I travelled there.Its here.I looked up to see a huge house.Wow this is a really luxurious house.I opened the door and walked inside.It was dark until someone turned the lights on.Suddently I realise that I was trapped in a ball like sheild.I saw all the guy and girls from yesterday.They were all tied up.I was trying to break the shield but it doesn't work.It was too powerful.Suddently a guy came from the shadow,"Hahahahaha im so happy to see you and the next time I see you,you will be on the grave."he said as he revealed some of his wings.

"he said as he revealed some of his wings

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Ahhhh don't remember me? let me re-introduce myself.Im Rizer and the guy that will sent you to grave."he said as he pulled the red hair girl and the purple eye girl,"Stop you bastard!!!!"I screamed.I saw him hurting them by burning and cutting them.This made my boil rage because somehow I know them and I want to protect them.I screamed as I held my head with both of my hands as I knelt down.I was losing myself again.. No... It should not be now....NOOOOOOO NOW IS THE TIME....ITS TIME FOR ME TO TAKE OVER!!!!!!!!!

Song starts....

I looked at him with a smirk as my mask fell off.... This made all the people gasped.I finally regained my memories.How dare they hurt AKENO!!!!!!! I slowly got up with my wings on my back as I cracked my fingers,"You're going to regret that."I said as I smashed the sheild with a single blow.All of his pieces charged me.She tried to slice me but I took her head and throw her behind me causing her to crash at the wall.I slowly walked up to him as more of his pieces rushed me.They were two twin girls tried to attack me but I use telekinesis and carry one of the girl and throw her to her twin.Now three people were trying to attack me.I duck to dodge a girl that was going for my head and I front flipped to avoid the girl was aiming for my legs and I land with one leg and the other leg kicked the girl that tried to aim for my chest making her  flew and Rizer barely be able to dodge it.Now there is 10 people surrounding me and ready to blast me.I smirked at this and smashed the ground causing a huge crater under me as I burn all of em into crust.I looked at Rizer in the eyes.I sense both Anger and fear in his eyes,"YOU'RE NOT GONNA DEFEAT ME THAT EASILY!!!"He said as he jumped up and flew down trying to punch me hard.I gave him the chance and he punched me to the ground,"(Y/N)!!!!!!!"everybody screamed my name,"Not too much a tough guy now huh."he said as he smirked.I got up and has the same expression as him a while ago.I rushed him and punch hin in the face making him flew a million miles.His body penetrates a lot of building that was in his way.I wanted to untie the girls but he was fast and went for my face.Luckly I saw this comming and caught his fist with a creepy smile.I threw him up on the air.I rushed him and got to puched him at least 1000 times before sending him to the ground.He got up and flew with his wings burn more brighter,"IM DONE PLAYING WITH YOU,ITS TIME TO FOR YOU MEET YOUR MAKER!!!!!"He screamed.He held a ball on his hand and it was about to exploaded.It was big,"Any last words?"he asked with a bit too much confident."Bring it on"I said as I cracked my fingers.Te next thing I know I got blasted and got burnt by his wings rapidly.There were a lot of smoke,"Noooo (Y/N)!!!!!"everybody cried"HAHAHA YOU FUCKING DEAD SON OF A-"he got cut off by the smoke that revealed me   holding Rizer's ball with no scars on my body at all with a smirked on my face.They all looked surprised.I absorbed his power making him stunted.He got back to reality and rushed me.I countered him and break his back and his skull,"What a bad mistake you made...."I said in a cold tone and threw him away like I threw thrashes.

Song ends.....

Suddently,I was myself again.I was confused on how I got here but then a certain girl hugged me and kissed me and I kissed her back.After a minute of kissing we broke it because of lack of oxygen.I looked in her beautiful purple eyes,"Im sorry but I don't know who are you,but I felt happy when im with you."I said,"Well my name is Akeno and you maybe forgotten about me but I never forgotten about you.You are my soulmate,my boyfriend,my future husband.Back then or more specific 2 years ago,you loved me.Bu-"I cut her by hugging her,"Im sorry for being away for such a long time... lets try to get know each other again fell in love with each other again."I said,"Well too late,I fell in love with you again and again and again.Everytime I looked at you I kept falling in love."she said as she tightened her grip.Suddently a red haired girl hugged me from behind,"Heyyy you remember me?"she asked,"sorry but no."I said,"Well then Im Rias and you all are my servent and I am also your girlfriend."she said as she kissed me.I broke the kiss,"Wait...How the fuck that I have two girlfriends!!!!!"I said as all if then laughed except the brown haired boy.Suddently I sense something seperating me with both of the girls.I felt someone hugged my legs.She was very cute,"My name's KONEKO and I am your bride."she said making the two girls jealous and the rest laughing and of course except the guy with the brown hair which was gritting his teeth for some reason.
We gone to a club near school so called home and spend the whole evening together to get to know with my family.....

To be continued.....

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