Love becomes hatred

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(Y/N)'s POV

I woke up to find Rias were sleeping beside me.I smiled and my face turned into a frown one as I remembered what happend yesterday.She's just no more than a cheater.I planned to give her one more kiss on her forehead.Thankfully she remain asleep.I took my time and wrote a letter for her.I wrote another letter for the whole club.I hope we can meet one day but I need to go somewhere to clear my head and move on.Ahhh who even cares that im leaving.I looked at the club for the last time before I walked away.I don't want to fly as it attracts a lot of attention.I wore some shady clothes so no one notice me.

I wore some shady clothes so no one notice me

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I took a flight to another country.Just thinking of living another second on the same country as her can drive me insane.I sighed as I looked at the beautiful view of the wind blowing the ocean.It was so peaceful.I wonder what everybody are doing now.

Rias's POV

I woke up but my boyfriend were not beside me so I checked the whole room but all of the effort go in vail.I was downed by this but then I looked under his pillow.It was a letter.I had my tears rushing out of my eyes while I read his letter.

Dear Rias/ex-girlfriend

You were a wonderful girl,because of you I moved on from my past.You are my everything.But you betrayed me.Am I not good enough for you? well of course,eventhough I tried my hardest to just see the smile of yours and yet it is still not enough.What do I expect to be a husband to the most hottest woman in the world,well I can dream on.I hope you find your happiness with Issei.Please don't go and search because by the time you are readng this letter,Im nowhere near you.Good bye my love

From your ex...

How could this happend.Issei lied to me.Fuck him.I wish I was not foolish to let lust get the better of me.I wish he is still in my arms and im still in his arms.Why am I so stupid.I love you (Y/N).No matter what you say to me,im still gonna search you no matter what.You are only mine so please let me redeem my mistakes.

Akeno's POV

I woke up to see a letter under my pillow.Its from (Y/N).

Hi and goodbye Akeno,you are the best friend that anyone could ever asked for.I hope my leaving won't leave you in tears.You can ask Rias why I decide to leave but please don't have any animosity on her.She's our president.I hope one day we'll cross each other's path again but for now I need sometime to calm down.I love you all.I need to be true to myself,I do have some feelings for you.You always cared about my condition and be a little overprotective.... Hhahaha anyway you are an ideal girlfriend and wife so of course im not worthy to be your soulmate.Bye bye Akeno,I LOVE YOU.

From (Y/N)

I cried a lot.Why (Y/N) did you leave me.Damn it Rias!!! what the hell did you do.You saved me and all but making (Y/N) hurt is not acceptable.I also have the same feelings for you (Y/N).I Love you so much.Please come back.Don't worry I won't search for you for now.I just hope you're okay.And please be safe.....

After an explaination from Rias,I slapped her hard and zapped Issei making him paralyzed for a while,"WHY DID YOU DO IT!!!!",I screamed out of anger.Everybody tried to calm me down,"Like I said im stupid,Issei poisoned my mind,please forgive me."Rias said,"DONT APOLOGIZE TO ME BUT TO HIM YOU CUNT ohh never fucking mind his not FUCKING HERE ANYMORE!!!!"I cursed uncontrobly.I can't believe her out of all people would be a cheater.Damn it,this is why don't trust people fully.We made a search party and search for him.Eventhough some part of me wants him to go and calmed down but some of me wants to be beside him and looked at his beautiful (e/c) eyes everyday.

We searched for him everywhere,but of course we were unable found him.We were pretty downed by this especially Rias,I guess she regret all of her actions.Well still I wish (Y/N) come back so I can finally confess my feelings.The search turned from days to weeks,weeks to months,months to years.We're about to give up all of our hopes but I still have faith eventhough the club didn't go and find him.I intend to try to find him every single time school ends.

???'s POV

I was spying on this boy called (Y/N) if im not wrong for a couple of days.He has been said the strongest devil yet to step on this mother earth.Hahahahaha this is going to be fun.I licked my lips in excitement.I wore my mask.Its time to excute the plan of mine.Hahahahahahaha......

(Y/N)'s POV

I decided to stay at America.They had some cool stuff here.I was walking again with my hoodie to only God knows where.I sat down to enjoy the new environment.I saw some couples walked by.Thats how Rias and I lookd like when we were dating.Damn it,I traveled to move on but she is stuck inside my head.Our love becomes hatred.I was once loved her and now I hate her.I kept asking myself the same question everyday,Why am I so unlucky? can't I live like anybody else? I was eating a burger which was delicious.I wish the ORC club were here,we can eat together.All the memmories were golden despite the time Rias cheated on me.I looked up at the sky and its getting dark.Thats enough for today,lets head to the hotel.I decided to use an alleyway for a shortcut to my hotel.Suddently I heard some steps behind me moving towards my direction.As I turned around I been knocked out.......

Sorry can't fix a broken heart (Cheater Rias x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now