If I Had My Way

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If I had my way

I'd slowly rise on a

lazy July morning

easing into the

brand new day.

As if I had no

deadlines or commitments.

As if I owned my own life.

I'd stretch, yawn, and stand

in the large arched window

and feel.

Squinting in pain

as blinding white reflections

gleam off the lake below

fixated, I'd struggle

to remember.

I'd throw open

the white French doors

to the screened verandah

losing my breath momentarily

to the muggy southern heat.

Easing myself into

Grandmother's old red rocker,

I'd feel her presence embrace me

as a flash of memories

flood my mind.

I'd rise and descend

the worn wooden steps to the lake

reveling in the sounds of splashing,

and my children's laughter.

If I had my way.

-Michelle Stradford 2018

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