Chapter five-What does it matter to you?

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He really did it, he really fucked someone.

I scoffed I didn't really expect anything different, all he'll ever be is a slut.

He had came back a few hours later with hickeys all over and stuff stained on his pants, why do I even care? He's just like my father.

He seemed drunk, over the top drunk I can't judge him for that I just did it a day ago-

He went to reach for my hand I snatched it away

"Don't touch me"

"Sure, but you can touches my,"

"That doesn't even make sense,"

"YOu don't make senses, you hate me for NO reasoned,"

"Your a slut, and a heartbreaker and you ruin people lives,"

"You tALKING from experience huh? yoooouu told meee abouttt yourrr daAaaD" he sung, I just slapped him as tears threatened to fall,

He looked emotionally hurt for a second,

I hate him, I HATE HIM!

"Taehyung I'm sorry-"

"Save it asshole, I'm done I don't care if I get killed I refuse to live or ever be with you,"


"I mean after all, I'm just that fuck buddy you couldn't get-"

"I don't think that-"

"I don't give a shit what you think. I hate you, how can anyone stand you?!"

"You tell me" he says with a smirk,

"Exactly my fucking point! That's it I'm done" as his smirked Disappears I head to Jimins, I don't care if he's fucking Yoongi, I'm not staying here. Memories of my dad haunt me too much when I know I'm living with someone exactly like him.


I was sitting on my best friends sofa hearing disgusting noises coming from him and Yoongi, gross.

I pull out my phone checking the time 14:27, I had already ate loads of his food and checked to see if any good shows were on, he doesn't even have Netflix the goof,

Man slag

TaeI'm sorrh just comes baxk


Get killed,

Man slag

Arr yph at jiminnnss?


What the fuck do you want?

Man slag

To fuxk u ;;)););)))



Man slag

I would for yOooUuu ;)))


Just fuck off.

Man slag

Why are you even boTHered If I slEEp wiTh somEOne iTs not like u like meeee


This is why I didn't want to find my soulmate. I'm stuck with dickheads like you-

Man slag

That hurts man you don't think I'm beautiful?


You may be, but your a dick head

Man slag

Funnt havR you not heard what peopke say vout you?

Block contact?
Yes no
Blocked confirmed

I sigh and switch off my phone, jesus drunk Jungkook is more of an ass that sober one, how is that possible? I'd been gone for around 5 hours now, this is pissing me off. I can't even go home,

It's school tomorrow too, so I can't sleep over at Jimins I need my shit, I look at the time 14:58

My anger started to build up inside of me, he's a stupid idiot, and I hate him.

But I have to go to him, I'll just ignore the living shit out of him otherwise I'll punch him in the throat,

I sigh again and shout

"Jimin im leaving, hope your ass is ok!"

With that I left,



SHIT he'd blocked me, I was all sober now. Fuck why did I go out in the first place? I shouldn't of said that.

I heard the door swing open as I rushed towards it he gave me a dead looking stare and walked towards his room,"

"Tae wAIt-"

"Don't call me tae, my name is Taehyung to you,"

"Taehyung listen I'm sorry I was drunk and alone-"

"Listen Jungkook. I don't care what you think of me and I don't care that you drink your heart out when you feel lonely." He interrupted

"You can't really talk you drank the other night-"

"I drank because my anxiety and it kind of kicked in when you were talking about me, what's your excuse?"

He waited for about a second

"Didn't think so." He went to turn around and I grabbed his wrist,

"Tae please, I'm sorry I'm a dick head, and your right I do drink when I'm alone, wanna know why? because even though I might fuck everyone it's because there's no one there to hold me, to love me-"

"Everyone loves you-"

"Everyone loves sleeping with me."

His eyes glistened for a second as I looked hopeful, why did I just tell this kid my insecurities? Oh yeah he's my soulmate.

"Jungkook- I'm sure there's someone who loves you,"

He's so dumb, I don't want someone, I want him my soulmate, I've known it was him for years, but he's always thought of me with spite,

"I don't want someone Taehyung, I want my soulmate."

"Where did the flirty Jungkook go?"

I sighed and walked to the sofa,

"Whatever tae, see you at school or something,"

I saw him hesitate as my eyes closed shut

Word count: 836

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