Chapter twenty one- his eyes

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I said it, I fucking finally said it. I'm pretty sure I had a massive smile on my face the entire night, I don't think I can bare to go downstairs, all the hyungs are just going to poke fun,

I groaned in annoyance, I can see now all the jokes Jiminie is gonna make,

I looked to the sleeping boy next to me, he looks so peaceful. I went to stand up and get changed,


I heard a chuckle from behind me,

"I hate you"

"Not what you were saying last night baby boy"

I groaned once again, even my boyfriend won't let me live this down

"Ughhhh" I scoffed, I swear to god I'm gonna kill his kid.

I could feel the heat going up to my face, fuck what has this boy done to me?

Oh shit yeah showed me love, just thinking about it my face has my signature boxy smile on it,

"Did you have to go that hard it was my first time-"

"You made me jealous baby boy, it was just karma" he whispered into the side of my head, it was so soothing, I just wanted to be cuddled up with him forever,

My head shot up as soon as I heard muffled giggling from outside the door, I was about to attempt to sit up when they all fell in,

"So taetae, whats it like being a fellow bottom?"

"Damn you got fucked hard last night"

"My son did you use protection?!"

"And you say me and jimin do inappropriate things in front of you"

I groaned for the third time that morning and hid my head under the cover, "why must you all be like this" I mumbled,


"Shut it midget, If i could stand up I'd beat the shit outta you right now!"

"But you cannntt~" I couldn't see him but I sensed a grin,

"Just you wait till tomorrow"

"From the sound of it, sounds like next week taetae," he giggled

"You little shit-"


I poked my head out the covers,
"Sorry eomma," I mumbled,

"Babe the foods gonna burn"



"Not you yoongi, do I look like an orange haired dwarf to you?"

"Hey jin hyung!" Jimin shouted, I giggled, from under the duvet,

One by one they left the room like troupes,



"You need help getting out of bed" I turned around to see a huge smirk on his face, 

"It's not funny! You did this so your going to help all day!"

He chuckled, climbing over me to get up out of the bed, I just managed to sit up putting my hands in the air making grabbing motions, he smirked and lifted me up, my legs now wrapped around his waist, 

"Why are you so goddamn light?"

I hummed into his shoulder as he walked through the door towards the stairs, I didn't want to tell him I skipped meals, he would just get worried,

As he took the first step down the stairs I clung onto him hard, why can this muscle pig easily carry me down a massive flight of stairs, he's younger than me!

Seconds later we were already in the kitchen, he had plonked me down on a chair,

"This is so uncomfortable"

"It's your own fault."


"Yes now shut up and eat" he said with a massive smirk on his face, god I hate that smirk,

"You know what kook?"


"I want my hair dyed,"

"Why, you look pretty with that colour!"

"Yeah but we've started completely together now and I want, a new start on my hair too!"

"Are you on your man period or something?"

"Maybe it's to do with not being able to walk" I mumbled bitterly,

"Ugh fine, but only natural colours I don't want purple eyes or something,"



I was on Jungkooks back, making him run.down the aisle, I practically lived on this aisle thanks to jimin he tends to express his gay with his hair colour, speaking of he was infront of me by a few steps, looking at the dyes,

"Oh my god tae pink!"

"Omg my god That would look so good on you"

"Oh my god yes,"

"Oh my god what about me though"

"Oh my god like this!" He grabbed a cute purple looking colour, I loved it, I didn't care about Jungkooks eyes anymore, I'm literally on his back right now because of his jealous tendencies,

"My eyes though taeeee"

"Wear contacts or something" I shrug,

"Your lucky I love you,"


Once again I made Jungkook run along the aisle, this time with lilac hair dye in my hand and jimin skipping along with pink In his arms cradled like a baby, we arrived at the till, the shopkeeper probably scared how rowdy we were,

We paid and left, hopping in the car the hyungs were waiting in,

"Why do I feel like I'm going to hate jimin after I see the box?" A grumpy hyung stared

"Because you are" I giggled,

"Don't worry hyung, mines not much worse,"

"I don't even want to imagine,"

"I'm sure we'll love it guys" a smiling jin said,

I giggled once again,


"Kookie it burnnnsss"

"It supposed to...I think"

"Yoongi do you think ill look good in this?"

"Kitten you look good In anything,"

Awhhehehdhdhhd, ok I give yoongi my blessing to take my best friend because he clearly makes him feel better, but I swear to god if he beats TaekooK In cuteness one more time I'm going to chop his dick off, or get jimin too I don't particularly want to see that not gonna lie.

Twenty minutes later and here I am drying my hair, jimin was already done and waiting with yoongi, god this day is just amazing, nothing can ruin it,

All my ships in one place, I finally expressed my love, my hair is fucking rocking this lilac and-

"Babe are you nearly done?"

I turned around,

Why are his eyes still a blonde colour?

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