Chapter twenty three -2 months

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2 months later

It's been 2 months since I've seen your smirk, it's been two months since you poked fun of me, it's been two months since it happened,

Have you found your soulmate Jungkook?

Have you?

I'm not closer to finding mine, but the reason for that is because I haven't left the house since it happened kook, I fact I've barely left my room,

I'm a fucking idiot,

I should've ran with you,

Did jin hyung tell you to protect me by leaving?

You blocked me, on everything, even my number kookie,

Is this your way of saying you don't want to try and be together,

It could've been a secret thing kookie, we could've stayed,

But I'm a fucking idiot, that's all I'll ever be,

A pathetic failure,

I wish I could just cuddle with you right now, and I thought it was bad when you were with your cousin,

Nothing compares to the pain I'm feeling right now,

Oh and I forgot to say,

I'm pregnant kook,

And of course it's your child, your the only person I've ever been with and ever will,

I'm not going to try and find me soulmate, if I die, I did it for you, please look after the baby,

Jimins attempting to take care of me, but I know he needs to focus on his relationship with yoongi, I fucking know that,

But I also know if he leaves, i will have no one,

God I sound so selfish,

That's what I am right? It's my selfishness that got us in this mess, I should've never dyed my hair, no one would've ever known,

A day after you left I dyed it brown, it's growing out, it's quite long actually, (taes mullet I'm thinking of here btw)

Jimin says you would like it, I replied with that it doesn't matter, the brown won't be apart of you,

Are your eyes still blonde?

I'm acting like we were married for years,

Did you ever think about marrying me?

Did you ever-

"Taehyung your getting out of this fucking house,"

"Fuck off jimin."

"I look after you like last time and here you are treating me like absolute shit, he's not your fucking soulmate tae,"

Tears started to prick up as soon as I heard the word soulmate

I hated it, I hated to think it's something the one guy I loved will never be,

"Fuck you,"

"I'm not even going to apologise, your being an asshole, remember how Jungkook used to be? Well your acting like that now."

"Don't say his fucking name,"

"Why? He's not fucking Voldemort, Jungkook Jungkook Jungkook,"

Once again if this was a fanfic he would've walked in asking why we called,

And once again, it's not.

Instead im going to have to pretend these 2 months were fine, that I havent cried everyday waiting for your return.

I wish this was a dream, or that the law was lifted, or maybe even it was all just a movie, and we were really together,

But instead, my love is gone, Jungkook



"I'm sorry,"

"Tae, it's fine please just calm, it won't be good for the baby-"

"I want him back chimchim" I wailed, my cheeks got an even redder shade from before, my tear stained face, renewed with new salty water,

He scurried over and sat next to me on the bed, hugging into me,

"I miss him too,"

"We could've stayed friends"

"You know that's not true,"

"D-do you know w-where he-he-he I-is?"

He stayed silent, he knows, he's thinking of a lie, or a way to change the topic,

"I want to tell you so bad"

"Then do I-"

"He's married tae, to his new soulmate"

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't speak, I couldn't think, the only thing I could do was move, I stood up from the bed, the first time I have in weeks, I was in scruffy baggy bottoms, with a week old t-shirt on, a white one covered in food, I looked on my floor finding a hoodie and shoving it on top,

I walked downstairs rushing towards the door, and out of there,


I hated her, I hated everything about her, she's so controlling, so dominant, I'm not on about in a weird way, I literally have a fucking tracker, clamped around my ankle,

I hated everything about her looks too, she wasn't ugly, but she just wasn't him, Ive counted the days and hours,

How can I not love my real soulmate, yet I can fall for a random, attractive dick head?

I think about unblocking you a lot, I wish I could, but they glitched my phone so I couldn't, I just wanna lay next to you and tell your how beautiful you are,

Whose going to protect you without me there? Who's going to put there arm around you and tell you it's all going to be ok?

I'm literally locked in my room as I think about all of this,

I tried telling one dirty joke once, she broke my Xbox, I can't even fucking message you over Xbox live or something, this is fucking killing me,

Why aren't I keeping my promise, why aren't I coming back for you? Fuck.

You wanna know who my soulmate is? Is the suspense killing you? Knowing who could possibly be my soulmate instead of the beautiful, intelligent amazing Kim Taehyung?


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