Chapter twenty seven- train to busan

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The amount of excitement, confusion and enjoyment that went through my head, made me dizzy, the sign, he sent one,

I looked at my hyungs, a smile plastered on my face like a little girl whose given a puppy for a Christmas,

Well to be honest I'd probably be just as happy if I got a puppy, I'm getting off topic here.

They all looked sadly down at me,

"What? Why you all looking at me like that, this is great news we need to go now-"

"It's the laws of soulmates Taehyung, th-they're together,"

"I don't give a shit, I love Jungkook, I fucking love him with all my heart, there's nothing you can do to stop me," 

I started shaking as he denied me, i've given us up once and i couldn't handle it, it was a mistake, im not going through that again, Jungkook is my everything,

Jeon Jungkook, 

i am in love with you.

and i need to make sure you know that, me and Sun-Mi and you will all be together soon, even if it takes killing Lisa, 

I probably won't though

she does scare me a little,

but we can run away together, all our friends can come with us, 

just as long as we're us.

Yoongi looked at me, as I stood up from my seat,

"I know, that's why I'm gonna come with you,"

"What?! We all agreed on not going-"

"Can it midget, you have no say in this."

He grunted,

"Don't call him that, and I know we did jimin, but he clearly fucking loves him, you're telling me if it wasn't you in this position you wouldn't do it?"

He sighed,

"What about you jin?"

"Of course id kill Namjoons soulmate- oh I get your point now,"

they all looked at me, the look of proudness, anger, nothing and confusion.

"he just walked out on you and you're willing to go save his ass?"

"Namjoon hyung, need i remind you it was your guys' idea for him to go."

he sighed, i stood up, we all knew where we were going, 

on a train, a train to Busan

~Jungkook, a few days earlier~

"HOBI!?" i yelled, god you're my only option old friend don't fail me now,

i heard faint footsteps, he's coming

"what you want shithead"

"its shi-thead, that was my old nickname not shithead, any ways im getting off topic, i need you to post a letter to Taehyung, i never had the opportunity before because of Lisa-"


"look, it doesn't have your name in it, she wont find out"

"why the fuck would i even do it anyways?"

"hoesuck, we've been friends for fucking years, me you and Yoongi,"

"correction, Yoongi replaced me"

"ANYWAYS, i've never been in love, not once, all i did was fuck and leave people, which i know was wrong, but i've fallen so hard for him,  Hobi, i fucking love him, i miss him, i miss his little giggle, i miss his little boxy smile, i miss the way he gets flustered when i made any dirty jokes-" a single tear rolled down my cheek,

i dont think i've ever realised how much i love taehyung until now, i don't think i've ever realised how much i love him, how much im IN love with him.

I looked up at Hobi, why did he look close to tears,

"the worst thing is, he's not even my soulmate,"

"he is Jungkook." he mumbled,


"Dont listen to her for a second kook, everything you're feeling is right, lisa is,

lisa, is my soulmate."

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