Chapter Twenty - The sleepover pt.2

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"we need to talk." i said through gritted teeth, everyone else was downstairs,
"You think you can just make me jealous like that? Your gonna regret it,"

I let go walking downstairs slowly, the game was over, everyone was found and I was more pissed off than usual,

He was following after me I could hear him, his footsteps even, i opened the living room door sitting on the sofa not bothering to talk to anyone, especially Jimin,

He thinks he can just steal my soulmate like that? I clenched my fists, does Yoongi allow them both to torment me?

Taehyung lets jimin cuddle him but if it's me, I make one joke he doesn't allow it, does he even like me?

Of course he does your Jeon Jungkook, international playboy.

I smirked to myself, I could pick up anyone,

But I don't want just anyone I want my taehyungiieeee, my smirk fell

Curse boy hormones, why have I got to be so fucking horny all the time?

I wouldn't cheat on tae, he doesn't have to worry about that so why won't he let me fuck him-

Why am I even speaking about this?

Its to do with me being annoyed at him for cuddling jimin not, not letting me shag him,

God I sound like I'm on love island,

I keep getting pied off by him,



"What." I said bluntly as the orange haired boy said my name,

"You ok?"

"Peachy," I said with a grimace, hey I never said I was good at hiding my feelings, I looked At tae, he seemed awkward, his legs just there as he sat on the sofa and his hands on his lap,

He probably is so confused-

Stop Jungkook your mad at him,

Why doesn't he want to go near my jungcock?!?


He's probably so mad, I didn't think this through I'm so sorry Jungkook, I should've thought of you, I was just trying to be a good friend please don't be mad at me,

Of course I was confused, he spoke with so much fury, normally he would've gotten over it by now,

There's something bothering him,

Oh my god is it because I haven't say I love you?

I knew this would happen god your such an idiot tae why can't you just say what you feel,

Yes I admit it Jungkook I'm crazily in love with you but I'm a coward that's all I will ever be, but I swear to you I know you can't hear me but I swear,

I'll try to be strong for you,

I promise, this is such kdrama shit,

I look at him, he's looking at me, he probably wishes me dead, fuck tae your such an idiot, I took my gaze off him slowly, it's so hard though, he's so gorgeous,

I miss his dirty jokes I frowned, I want them back.

I look around the room jin sitting on Namjoons lap, jimin on yoongis,

Both the couples talking, yEt here we are acting like we're enemies,

I'm saying this like it's his fault, it's mine, fuck I cant even be mad about him being mad, I thought he was hooking up with his cousin for fuck sake!

Is this about Lisa? Oh my god would he rather be with Lisa? It's understandable I mean she's so pretty and I'm just not, (omg bb your beautiful it was so hard for me to write that)

We never actually found out if we were fully soulmates, oh my fucking god does this mean that maybe he's soulmates with her? But her eyes and black/brown, BUT THERES CONTACTS!

God why does life have to be so difficult, I frown

"Whats uP with you two?" Jiminie asked,

I opened my mouth to speak but was quickly cut off,

"Pretty sure you already know" I looked at Jungkooks hands, I felt a movement, as I thought clenched like he was ready to fight at a moments notice, all of this over cuddling,

His knee started moving up and down quickly, is he having a seizure or something? His hand started tapping along with his leg,

Until he suddenly grabbed my arm, I yelped quietly In surprise like a little dog,

He had a loose grip, he wasn't hurting me,I think he was making sure I wasn't,

He guided me upstairs, not giving two shits of the two couples that were shouting after us, we walked to the guest bedroom,scratch that I was dragged to the guest bedroom,

"You think me ignoring you was the punishment" he chuckled seductively in my ear "oh baby boy, I'm just getting started"

To be continued...

Lol I lied, y'all are gonna be so happy with me after this

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