Chapter Twenty: Part Two

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A/N- Guys! I've missed you all(: It's been about a few weeks since my last chapter, so it's about time I uploaded a new one! There's a few things in this chapter that will be revealed, that you may or may not have guessed! Don't hate me for it ;)

As usual, please vote and comment on this! I love to hear what you guys thinks of this and thankyou so so much for everything you have done for me!

I've dedicated this chapter to: teen_crew, as she is my newest fan (: Go to her page and say hey!(: (Or hola, or bonhour, or guten tag-y'know what ever floats your boat)

Anyways, enjoy this chapter!(: It's a wee bit longer than I intended, so if it's too long, I'm very sowwy :') Also, it's not edited, so if there are mistakes, feel free to point them out to me(:

Sparkly hugs to all!<3


Chapter Twenty : Part Two.

Chloe’s P.O.V

I forced a smile onto my face and slid silently back on to my chair. Holly had arrived back from the kitchen and had apparently given Liam and Macy their food, as they were both happily tucking into their meals. I shook my head as I glanced at Macy’s place. A whole plate of chicken nuggets! Looks like she’s having a salad for tea. I thought. I smirked and knew that getting Macy to eat healthy food would be like getting Charlie to get over his introverted-ness. That never would happen. I rolled my eyes when I realised, I hadn’t thought of a plan on Holly.  I wasn’t completely sure as to how I could force the information out of her. She’s not easily fooled. Cara looked over at me and winked at me; So quickly had she done it, that I wasn’t sure if she actually had. She turned to Tom and grinned.

 “Hey, Tom, you just got a tattoo, right? Can I see it?” Tom turned his head, so he could see Cara. Surprise was etched onto his face, as it wasn’t a secret that Cara didn’t like tattoos, on other people or otherwise. He kept the arm that was lazily resting on Alera’s shoulders still, as he pondered whether to show her or not. "Sure." He said, after a hearts beat of thinking.  Alera couldn’t quite hide the look of annoyance from being displayed on her face, as Cara had interrupted their conversation. Tom shifted slightly in his seat, and pulled up his t-shirt. On his left hip bone, was a trail of triangles being breathed out by a dragon in a cascade of fire. There were five triangles in total and each triangle got considerably larger, the further it was from the dragon’s mouth.                                                                                                  

Everyone spoke up at the same time, voicing their positive opinions on his tattoo. Holly sunk down a little in her seat; I was sure she knew what was going to happen next. Her gaze flickered over to me, once she finally let herself tear her gaze from Liam’s face. She raised her eye brows slightly, as if to say: Pshhhh. Tattoos? Who would want tattoos on their body? Not me. She smiled slightly and looked away, focusing her full attention on to Liam, something Macy wasn’t fully pleased with. She grabbed a chicken nugget in one of her tiny fists and threw it at Liam. However, Macy, being terribly uncoordinated, (I have no idea where she got that from!) and utterly terrible at sports in general, her aim is terrible. Instead of hitting Liam as she intended, the chicken nugget, which had been dunked in tomato ketchup, landed on Holly’s chest and slowly slid downwards, spreading the red sauce everywhere.

“OHMYGOD!” Holly screamed. She jumped up and threw a death glare at Macy. Macy however, wasn’t fazed in the slightest; she looked quite pleased that for once that her aim was terrible. With an evil genius grin plastered onto her face, she tucked into her chicken nuggets, her fingers and most of her hands were covered in the red stickiness of tomato sauce. An eruption of laughter had exploded in that tiny room, as everyone had failed to stifle their giggles at the expense of Holly’s misfortune. It was, of course, rude to laugh at someone else’s misfortune, but the look of sheer anger and humility on Holly’s face was enough to send anyone into a laughing fit.

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