*Le Pause Le Story...*

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Hey thurr guys(: Chloe here :) Just a quick speech that you guys may be interested in :')                                      Well, my Charlie McDonnell fic is nearly completed! I can't believe I've wrote twentyfour chapters... And have people actually like my story that I've wrote? Utterly mindblowing :') I just wanna say thankyou, thankyou for reading, thankyou for commenting and thankyou for voting and giving my story so much love. That really does mean alot and I genuinely wish I could hug every single one of you that has read this.

*Gives all the sparkly huggles to everyone*

Anyways, this story is only a few chapters away from finishing and I was just wondering, if any of you would like a sequel? I'm curious, as I have a few ideas that could be pushed into the storyline, but if none of you want a sequel, then I won't write one :') So yeah, just comment below stating whether you'd like a sequel or not and if the majority is in favour of having a sequel, then it shall be done :)

*More sparkly huggles to everyone, 'cause ya'll deserve them* :)<3

Kiss The Girl - A Charlie McDonnell Fanfiction - Completed!Where stories live. Discover now