xxxiii. skinny

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They told me to hate my body as what it is,
to tear it apart, to change it,
and to pour all my soul, my spirit in doing so

I know that society doesn't see bones
sticking out of skin as beautiful,
or arms thin enough to grab around them with your single hand,
and neither do I.

But I don't remember if I hate my body because they told me to or because
I hate it

And yes, I know, it is badly unhealthy
to be like this
But I did everything,
and when I say everything, I mean
e v e r y t h i n g
to change my flesh.

All I see when I look into the mirror
Is a girl that has been told
To hate herself no matter what
By the people she thought she could trust.

I have learned, that yes, being skinny is all a girl should ever want to be,
But being underweight is something to be ashamed of.

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