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Yowww! Wassup peeps!

Okay, let's get started!

I am Charlene! But you can call me by my OC's nickname "Reiko" or "Chen". Either way is cool with me! And let me welcome you to my new published art book, "Shooting Arts!" All arts or drawings that will found in here belong to me, except if I said that it isn't. I will give credits to the owners of the drawings that I used, which is not mine, in here! Please don't screenshot, save, or post without my permission. Please give credits to my arts afterwards! ^^

Please don't be shy to request, okay? I don't bite! Only Lui does! :D

Lui: I've heard that you little troll.

Geesh, welp someone is on their period lol. Don't mind him! He's just a desperate shark wanting attention! :P

Lui: I will kill you after this you loser.

*rolls eyes*

For now, I will be accepting requests! But first, I will post all of my drawings I have already made, okay?^_^

Thank you for understanding and for your time!  Muaah ~ ♡

Lui: Okay. Now, where were we? Oh yeah. I'm going to kill you!

pAyT MeH!

Shooting ArtsWhere stories live. Discover now