I'M BAAACK (after almost two years)

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Hiii! It's me, Charlene! Or you might know me from my nickname, Chen or from my username, Star. ^^ I will be updating my art book from now on 'cause why not? I have time so... yeah! I'll be posting my digital drawings on the next chapters.

I hope my friends here in Wattpad still remember me. I've been really busy with life lately that I have no time to catch up on everyone and everything happening here in Wattpad. But for now, classes here in the Philippines are cancelled because of the corona virus outbreak. It's enhanced community quarantine here in our place. (I really wish that everything will go back to normal.) Also, since I'm already finished with my school requirements, I have time to go back to my drawing and writing life!

I've been gone for so long that I didn't even get to continue what I left here. I didn't get to give a heads-up that I won't be active for a while. My stories were on hiatus. I'm not quite updated on the stuff I like (shows, anime, etc.). I haven't chat with my internet friends or interact with my fellow fandoms. Wonder how they're doing...

Wait, does anyone still have this art book on their library? :P

Anyways, that will be all! See you ¥n the next chapter!

P.S. By the way, I won't be accepting requests and art trades for now.

~ C

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