Happy Birthday Cuza <3

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Happy Birthday Cuza Ackerman! Our little smol bean acrobat ❤ Here is a drawing of BC Sol and oh, look my new OC too, celebrating Cuza's birthday! I didn't color it because I don't have the right coloring supplies, but I will be making a digital version of this. I am currently working on it. I will finish it when I'm done with my entries for contests I am participating ^u^

I'm thinking about having a special chapter about celebrating Cuza's birthday with the finished digital version of my drawing. What do you guys think? 0-0

I was supposed to post this on May 5, but I got a little busy >o< Tss. The digital version will be probably come out late and Ruwei's birthday is coming ;-;

 The digital version will be probably come out late and Ruwei's birthday is coming ;-;

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Here's a sneak peak of it though:

Here's a sneak peak of it though:

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Piece of trash dang it

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