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"You'll die if I tell you." ~ Taguro

Oof, it's been a while since I've updated this book. It's just that I got busy and didn't have time to draw anymore so no drawings  will be posted for now. It's sad :<

But I'll find a way to get my drafted drawings finish! I'm going to see if school won't be such a pain in the butt for me next year so that I can draw!

For now, I'll just be doing a tag. If you're wondering why TAGURO is the title, I just had the mood for it. Yeah, you might be familiar with. The Taguro from 'Ghost Fighter', but for me, it is the Taguro from 'He's Into Her' by Maxinejiji. It is the nickname for the female protagonist of it given by the male protagonist. I guarantee that it is a one of a kind story. If you can understand Filipino, then go check out Maxinejiji's account and find the book's season one if you want to go and read it. You won't regret doing so, but I'm telling you that it is three seasons and has long chapters hahaha (worth it though).

Okay, that's enough achuchu. Let's just go do the tag! ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)

Tagged by: YungNightAce Thank you for tagging me!

Vanilla or Chocolate?
- Vanilla :3

One Bad Habit?
- Over thinking about everything, every time and everywhere.

Something you hate?
- Comparison because every time I get compared to others, I lost myself.

Anime boys or Real?
- OOF.


That's a hard choose.

A lot of real boys are jerks, but I'm not saying that they all of the are. I happen to met some that are pretty nice.

But meeting jerky ones have a larger percentage. (¬_¬)ノ

And on anime boys....


They're freakin' hot---


Hey! That was a joke!  *glares at who slapped her*

: *shrugs*

It's just that I want them to replace the jerks here. I want a Valt, a Shu, a Lui, a Free, a Zac, a Daigo, a Wakiya, a Rantaro, a Kensuke, a Sisco, a Cuza, *keeps on saying a lot of names and finally finished*

My pretty anime boys should have a place here on earth! They should replace the jerks here. I would be very happy with that.

But even though I want my anime boys to exist, I would rather prefer choosing the real ones since I met some boylalus that hold a special place in my heart (nu, don't you think romance) and I cannot replace them.

*looks at le anime boys* Sorry my babies. Don't worry, you guys are important to me also :D

Lui: What a waste of time. If you have just said that you pick the real ones over us rather than saying a lot of words then it would be so much easier.

Reiko: You don't care. She's the author! (ノ^o^)ノ

That's my Reiko!

Secret talents?
- Uhh. I don't know. I can memorize something with reading it once or twice only? Sometimes even by hearing it, it would be stuck on my head. *shrugs* Not that important anyways.

Favorite Food?
- Lasagnaaa! Also, cheese cake.

oof-- now I want my aunt's lasagna and cheese cake


Three Pet Peeves?

• Capitalizing every first letter of the word


• Not knowing the difference of 'there', 'their' and 'they're' then 'your' and 'you're' :/

• Everything happening too fast. Like. for example, a boy is teasing you and after a freakin' one week, you're saying that you suddenly love him and then he happens to love you too. Or when you just started a sport and then you became so amazingly great at it. You guys get what I'm trying to say here? It shouldn't be rush out.

Three Facts about yourself?

• I'm 13 (turned 13 on October), but I want to stay on age 12.

• I get pissed every time I get to see people act as if 'love' should be the number one priority and is the world's number one problem :/

• I don't like people touching me. Every time someone touches me, I get pretty oppressive and irritated. I only give exceptions to a few people that I'm comfortable with touching me, but if you're not one of them, I'll probably swear at you, glare at you or slap your hand away

Yesh! It's finally done! Had fun doing this tag! I missed doing tags. I haven't been able to do the tags that others tagged me in because I don't have time to do that on that time when I was busy with school. Though, keep tagging me since I have a lot of time to do it right now :)

I'll probably tag later since I need to sleep right now hahaha. See you later!

Anyways, Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Holidays! O(≧∇≦)O

Also, Happy Birthday to our Sharkie Boi, Lui Shirasagijo!

Double Celebration for Lui! :D

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