Sad Cyclone

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Awww. Seeing Cyclone cry breaks my heart. He's too precious! I badly want to hug him!

Hehe. Whenever I see people cry, I would hug them if it's okay to them. I really like comforting people. It gives me a soothing feeling. I don't know why I don't like people getting sad or something. Probably because I'm a happy-go-lucky person and I'm kind of not use to seeing people unhappy.

Yep. I said too much hehe.

Ciao my bunnies!!

From now on, I will call all of you 'Bunnies' 😄

Speaking of bunnies....

*looks at Ben Azuki*

Ben: Don't you even dare! Grrr *growls*

Yeah nevermind. I'll just call you guys "Fireballs"!

Hehe bye Fireballs!

Hehe bye Fireballs!

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