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[thanks to XO-Eclipse for the help with this idea, ily lots Kaala bby!

also, the song in the gallery can be accurate ig? but it won't always be, I wanna put songs that I like in the gallery bit before the story
it won't be like an aesthetic playlist or anything but like it'll be songs that I like, and i'm always looking for song recommendations so in case anyone else is I'll recommend the ones I list
this one - Let You Down by NF]

Finn's Pov

I watched her as she walked into the diner and sat across from Caleb with her face in her hands. She looked confused, and beautiful. But confused none the less. I didn't want to be falling her as hard as I was,  and I definitely didn't want to admit to myself or anyone else for that matter that I needed someone like her in my life.

Actually, scratch that.
I needed her, and only her in my life.

I sighed softly and walked off, I had to talk to someone about what was going on even though I would rather die than open up. It wasn't a common thing that I would be so in love with anyone. I'd never been in love, but I'm sure this was it.

I walked down the sidewalk (that lowkey made me feel weird because in the UK they're called pavements), scruffing my shoe as I kicked a rock in a sad attempt to get my mind to focus on literally anything else. My thoughts were disrupted as a small hand tapped my shoulder, I turned my head just enough to see the bright pink acrylic nails resting on my shoulder. I knew it was Olivia (SORRY IF UR NAME IS OLIVIA, YA CAN CHANGE IT IUW). Olivia was a girl I used to fuck with, but after she told the whole school we were an item I definitely distanced myself from her.

"hey Finnie, what's on your mind?" She cooed, playing with strands of my hair. I turned to face her, causing her to snake her arms around me. I felt uncomfortable, but I didn't stop it. It didn't feel right. I'm assuming it's because it wasn't (y/n), but it still wasn't right. And (y/n) probably never wanted to see me again, so what can a guy do? Everything wrong, apparently.

She pulled me in closer, and I didn't stop her again.
She pressed her lips against mine, and I didn't stop her. Again.

"want to head back to my place?" she asked as she pulled her head back, cocking it slightly as she bit her lip. I don't know why on earth my mind had me thinking this was a good idea, but all I could do was nod and get into her car that was parked at the corner. I ruined it by going home with her. I ruined everything, once again.
anything to take my mind off of (y/n) seemed like a great idea, even if it meant fucking someone else.


Finn's Pov

I sneaked out of the messy bed, throwing my shirt over my head and putting it on, tugging at my jeans frantically to get them on so I could leave. I looked to Olivia, who lay sleeping on the bed. I had never felt so shit about anything in my life, especially since the whole time I couldn't help but think of (y/n).

once I was ready, I called Jack. It rang and I waited in anticipation for him to answe my call. Eventually, the line connected.

"what's up?" Jack greeted, I heard a voice in the background who I could only assume was Kaala. I needed to talk to him about (y/n), I didn't care who was around when I did it. Kaala was cool, so it could be worse.

"I have to talk to you, man." I tried not to choke on my words as a concerned tone filled Jacks voice. "Can I come to your place?" I asked and waited for his fast reply.

"Yes, of course." He replied before hanging up, I made my way to Jacks house.

When I arrived there, Jack was already waiting at the door for me. I seen Kaala with him, and his arm was wrapped around her.

They looked so happy, and it was everything I wanted with (y/n). They were the perfect example of happiness, and maybe that was exactly what I needed. Jack smiled softly at me, opening the door wider for me to come in which I did with no hesitation.

"so what's up?" Jack broke the silence that filled the air, and with those words I had to try and hold back the tears which threatened to fall from my eyes.

"I need (y/n), man. I really do. She's all I ever think about and I can't imagine a life that she isn't a part of." I sighed after I spoke, as did Jack who knew all about my Fuckboys antics. I was never one for commitment, but neither was Jack really until he found Kaala.

"I think it's all based on who you find in life, when I found Kaala," he wrapped his arm around her waist and she kissed his cheek. "I couldn't imagine seeing myself with anyone else ever again. I didn't want to be the person I was, I didn't want to fuck around with people anymore. It was hard to admit to, but Kaala is the one. And by the sounds of things, (y/n) is the one for you." He gave me a weak smile and rubbed my back assuringly. His words got me thinking, and I definitely needed to tell (y/n) exactly how I feel. I need her in my life.


sorry for my lack of updates recently guys, updating is just hard at the moment.

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