Chapter 28

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Hunters Funeral


I put my black jacket on, finally checking my hair one more time in the mirror.

I'm ready.

"Hey Ethan, are you ready?" Grayson asks.

I nod.

I grab my bouquet of red roses and Me, Grayson, Our mum and dad head to the car.

We pull up at the cemetery, immediately seeing Becky.

We go to her.

"Hey." She whispers.

I give a weak smile. I'm not rude, I don't think any of us want to be at our best friends funeral.

"It's going to be okay." Grayson hugs Becky, rubbing her arm.

Eventually, we all surround Hunters Casket.

The priest says his words, asking if anyone else wants to say anything.

Becky goes first, then Grayson, then my mum, then it's my turn.

I walk up to the microphone, holding it firmly.

"When i was younger, my grandfather died. I asked my father, 'why do the best people die?' And he said 'Son, when you're in the garden, which flowers do you pick?' And I answered 'the most beautiful ones' and I didn't think much of it. But that proves that the best people leave the worst way. Hunter was that flower, strong and beautiful. She had her rainy days, she had her sunny days. But she kept strong. I was there when she first tried to kill herself, we sat together, crying. We talked everything out. One thing I've noticed about Hunter is that she appreciates the little things. She loves every little thing. She tells her loved ones that she loves them." I say.

Everyone claps.

50 Years Later

This is time. I get in my Tuxedo, making my way to the place. I pull up, walking all the way.

I'm going to see the love of my life, my princess.

I wait a few minutes, before deciding it's time.

It's time to see Hunter.

I go to Hunters grave, standing infront of it.

"Hello Princess, now. Your me probably wondering why I'm here now. Well, I have stage 4 cancer, my life's ending soon. But, our love never did." I start.

I bend down on one knee, holding the ring. "So, Hunter, will you make me the happiest man on earth and be my wife?" I place the ring on the dirt and cover it.

I smile, dropping tears.

"Till next time, princess."

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