I like his sets...right?

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First off I just wanted to say thank you for reading this fanfic of mine and with that lets just get to the story.

The Karasuno Boys Volleyball Team is practising in the gym for their tournament that is over the weekend and are in the middle of taking a small break.
Hinata's POV
I caught myself staring at Kageyama setting while everyone else was taking a break. I've noticed I have been looking at him more than usual lately, but I don't understand this feeling. I can't explain it very well, but I get butterflies in my stomach when I think of him or watch him set. Maybe it's because he sets for me when i ask, and I feel that maybe one day he won't set for me anymore.
"That must be it, right?"
Kageyama had sat down beside me while I was in my thoughts and scared me half to death when he asked me, "What's what?"
Being scared half to death and not wanting to tell him I was thinking of him I made something up.
"Oh...I...um was just thinking of what I should make for dinner tonight, since my parents are working late tonight and my little sister is staying with one of her friends tonight as well."
Well technally it was the truth I just wasn't thinking of food at that moment.
"Well, if you would like you can come over to my place and stay the night? I mean we do have to wake up and be here early since we are leaving for Tokyo because of our tournament. So you might as well stay at my house."
I wasn't expecting that from him but then I thought of something. "What about your parents? I don't want to be a bother."
"You don't have to worry about that either because my parents are out on a business trip."
"Oh well then I guess that will be ok but I don't have extra clothes or anything?"
"You can borrow a pair of my clothes for tonight don't worry about it seriously."
He ruffled my hair and then coach told us break was over so we had to line up to start practice again.
After practice was over with I walked with Kageyama to his house and for some reason I was feeling anxious and I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I really just need to calm down...but why was I like this in the first place...because of Kageyama? Nah I settled that earlier it's because he sets for that's all...so why am I so excited about going over to his house?

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