Awkward silence...

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This will be part 3 of this story and I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! Please enjoy!

Hinata's POV
I finished washing the dishes and heard Kageyama getting in the shower and I think I heard him say that he layed cloths on his bed for me so I decided to go up and get changed. When I got up the steps there were 4 doors I tried to listen from where the sound of the running water was coming from so I didn't accidentally walk into his parents room or anything. It was the first one on the left I opened the door and walked into Kageyama's bedroom it was actually pretty clean and he had awards, posters, magazines and even a Volleyball on his bed. I found the cloths laying on his bed so I started to undress I was eventually standing there in my boxers and picking up the shirt to put it on. I jumped when I caught something moving in the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw Kageyama standing in the doorway that split his bedroom and his bathroom. When I realized that all he had in was a towel around his waist my heart rate went up dramatically. I could feel my face burning and realized I was blushing a lot. I could see Kageyama starting yo blush as well; he started to move towards me and I freaked out my heart started skipping beats...i was getting excited but why and for what reason? While I was thinking for that quick second I looked up to see Kageyama only a couple of inches away from me. He moved his head towards mine and planted his forehead on mine. I just stared at him but he wasn't looking back...he had his eyes closed, and he looked so calm. He began to take deep breaths and eventually opened his eyes again and he turned tomato red all over again. Now we were just staring into each others heart had calmed down a bit from looking into his big eyes but I could still feel my heart race every once in a while. I didn't pull away and I have no idea why? I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with me but my head is drawing a blank. I don't think I could ask Kageyama seriously my heart could start racing again if I ask him. Kageyama eventually pulled his face away from mine.
"Um...Do you want to watch a movie?"
That surprised me I couldn't really respond with words so I just shook my head yes. Kageyama grabbed some cloths and pointed to a cabinet, "There are different movies in here go ahead and pick one I'm going to go down stair and change and I'll get some snacks as well.....ok...I'll be back in a couple minutes."
With that he left and I was still standing in my boxers, so I got dressed quick and started to decide on a movie.
"What is going on with me! Why do I get excited here as well we are at his house he isn't going to set me a Volleyball in here, so why did my heart begin to race?"
As I was looking through the movies and found one called, "A Forbidden Love." I thought out loud, "Love...Love...Love...LOVE?!"
I think I have just found the reason I have been getting excited around Kageyama lately.
"Am I in love with Kageyama?!"
I now felt awkward about the situation that happened earlier I picked a random action movie and sat down on the bed. When Kageyama walked back into the room I blushed just slightly, realizing the reason for the butterflies. I gave him the movie to put in I slid yo the floor off his bed to be a bit closer to the TV. He came over and sat down right beside me, and I could feel my face starting to get warmer again. I have to figure this out I actually love him or am I fooling myself again? I decided to figure it out after the movie ended.

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