He is so cute!

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Hey I'm here again with the 2nd part to the story I have been writing I hope you enjoy this part as well.

Kageyama and Hinata reach his house and have just walked in the door but already Hinata is making himself comfortable in the living room.
Kageyama's POV
I can't believe Hinata would agree to come to my house! Honestly I have had a huge crush on him since the beginning of our first year in High school together. I have been trying to hide it as well as I can but I still feel like I'm way to obvious. Hinata is bird brain half the time though so he probably doesn't even notice it. Which makes me inferior because again I feel like I am way to obvious! I walk into the living room and he is already stretched out across the whole couch. As I walk towards the couch Hinata stretches and it reveals the bottom of his stomach up to his bellybutton. I turn around instantly when he looks at me because I could feel my face heating up. I thought of something...anything to get me out of that room so I could calm down. "Is there something in particular that you would like to eat for dinner?" I ask trying to hid my tomato red face.
"Um...can you make some curry...I'm in the mood for something spicy."
I stand there for a second and then answer, "Ok, that's fine with me so give me half an hour to make it I'll call you when it's done."
"Awesome thanks Kageyama!"
I instantly walk out of the room and I was blushing even harder now...everytime he says my name it makes my heart skip a beat. Why is he all I can think of...Why is he so damn cute.
After I finished making dinner I called him in to eat we sat down and ate the meal I made. We talked about Volleyball and how we couldn't wait to see our friends at Nekoma. Hinata cleaned up as I went up to my room, so I could find him something to wear to bed. I yelled down the stairs that I was going to take a shower, and that his clothes were laying on my bed.
I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist before stepping out of the bathroom into my bedroom. Hinata was standing there in his boxers starting to change into the cloths I gave him. I couldn't help but blush when I saw his flawless skin and his bare back. He turned around and saw me, and he surprised me because he jumped and started blushing like a bright red tomato like me. My heart stopped he was standing there in his boxers...in my room...blushing. I couldn't control myself I walked right up to the little orange haired boy and put my forehead on his. My heart was beating so fast I felt like I was going to die.
I stood there for a minute with my eyes closed trying to calm myself down, but I wasn't prepared for when I opened my eyes. Hinata hadn't closed his eyes he stood there red in the face and his big brown eyes staring back at me. I didn't know what to do I couldn't move a muscle. I was lost in my crush' s beautiful eyes and red face; I thought I was going to stay like that forever.

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