Do you love me?

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Hi this will be the 4th part to this series but I'm not quite sure how long it's going to last I was only planing on 5 parts but it depends on how I want the story to go but anyway here is the 4th part.

The movie has just ended and Hinata is still sitting on the floor and trying to figure out how he feels about Kageyama.  Kageyama has gotten up and is putting the movie away and cleaning up a bit.

Hinata's POV
How am I suppose to do this? Just ask him about my feelings? No defiantly not...what if I hugged him? No. I looked into the cabinet and found that movie again about love and tried to get an idea. I looked at the cover and there was a man and a woman kissing in the dark. "Yeah...i don't think I could do that..." I thought out loud.
"Couldn't do what?"
I jumped and looked over and I was trying to come up with a good excuse. "Oh...n...nothing...i was thinking it's pretty late and I don't think I could watch another movie..."
Nice save Hinata, I thought.
"Well we could always start watching the movie and then finish it some other time if we fall asleep."
I couldn't really say no it made sense in my head so I agreed since I was still trying to figure out the situation and needed some help. I decided for us to watch "The Forbidden Love." Kageyama looked confused at first but he seemed fine after we started watching the movie.

After the movie ended...

I was blushing really hard by the end of the movie. The movie was full of kissing scenes and other romantic things. I sorted it out in my head and figured that the best way to figure out if I was in love was to just kiss him. Kageyama had went down stairs to put away everything else and clean up the few dishes we used while watching the movies. I gathered all of my courage and walked up behind him. "Kageyama?"
He turned around and just looked at me.
"What's up?"
"I have a problem that I was hoping you could help me with?"
"Sure what's wrong?"
"I think I have a eyelash in my eye can you check for me?"
"Yeah lean your head back."
When he started touching me my body grew warm and I was getting excited again. I decided that now was as good a time as any. I smacked his hand away from my face and stood on my tippy toes. I grabbed the back of his head and pushed it against mine. My whole body lit up like it was on fire. I was the only one kissing, I think he was to surprised so I pulled back. " didn't mean to...hmm..."
Kageyama grabbed me and pushed me against a wall and started kissing me my body lit up again. I started kissing him back at first they were short pecks or we held the same kiss for a few seconds but then I felt something trying to pry my mouth open! It was Kageyama's tongue! My body couldn't take it anymore I let his tongue into my mouth, I felt dizzy from the heat, his tongue was wrapped around mine and every once in a while would leave my mouth completely and then come back. My heart couldn't handle Kageyama's kisses anymore my legs were so weak I grabbed onto Kageyama's shirt and tried to hold myself up. All of a sudden I felt like I was floating...Kageyama had picked me up and put my back against the wall, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. We never stopped kissing, the taste of his saliva and the way he bit my lip caused my heart to ache like it was about to burst. After what felt like forever he stoped kissing me and just put his head on my shoulder. My whole body was burning and I could hear both of us panting and gasping for air.
" Shoyo..."
He whispered in my ear, it had sent chills up my spine. His breath on my neck and the heat from his breath still present on my ear. I had no choice but to give him an answer.
" well...Kageyama Tobio..."
He looked up at me and gave me a happy smile and there were tears forming at the corners of his eyes. I started to cry when his tears fell as well. Kageyama still holding me walked up the stairs carefully so to make sure he didn't drop me.
"Its getting late...we should go to sleep..."
He layed me gently on the bed and turned off the lights, he then got under the covers with me. He held me tight against his chest...I couldn't sleep for a while because of my heart, but I eventually fell asleep in his arms. Listening to his breathing, his heart, and every once in a while I would hear him say "I love you" before drifting off again. I thought to myself, "Yep, that's right, he's my setter."

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