Will you marry me?

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This is the extra part of the story I decided to add on because...I just wanted to plus I thought you guys would like it as well
     This takes place after they graduated from college and they are at a restraunt for there 5 anniversary of being together. They now live together in Tokyo and play volleyball representing Tokyo.
Kageyama's POV
     Hinata sat across the table from me in a nice restraunt I had picked out the night before. I had a small black box in my jacket pocket and was hoping to show it to Hinata while we were there. If I could build up the courage to ask that is. "H...hey Hinata can I ask you a question?"
"Hmm...yeah Sure what's up?"
"Well first I want you to know that you don't have to answer right away and you can think about it for a while if you need...ok?"
"Kageyama you can ask me anything you know?"
"Y...yeah I know it's just..."
"Then just ask me Kageyama."
"Right ok..."
     I cleared my throat and got up out of my seat and stood next to Hinata. I got down on one knee and Hinata had a slight blush on his cheeks. I took a deep breath and said, "Hinata Shoyo...will...will you marry me?"
     Hinata stood up and started to cry and knelt down and said, "Of course, Bakayama!!"
     I stood up and kissed him passionately and was going to continue so but then heard people clapping all around us and bent down and whispered in Hinata's ear, "We can finish this when we get home."
     Hinata went red in the face and sat down quickly to cover his face but I already saw his face.
     After we finished eating we got in a cab and Hinata started to get skittish because of what I said earlier. When we walked into our apartment Hinata looked stiff probably still on guard. I didn't think to much about it tho, I picked him up and took him to our bedroom. I threw him onto our bed and took off my jacket. "What's wrong Hinata?" I asked him teasingly as I crawled up from the bottom of the bed and put one of my legs between his.
"N...nothing..." he said quietly.
     Hinata is so cute and how he blushes turned me on.
"Hinata look at me..."
     He refused but I lightly grabbed his chin and bent down and placed a soft tender kiss on his lips. He started to kiss back and Hinata started pulling my shirt up to take it off. I then did the same to him we only stopped kissing long enough to take off our shirts. I then began kissing Hinata's neck and he moaned while breathing heavily. Which turned me on even more so I started moving down his stomach kissing ever inch of his skin. I looked up at him to see the expression he was making, he had his eyes closed shut and was gripping the bed. I then looked down at his pants and then looked back up and Hinata was now looking at me. I put my head down and unbuttoned his pants with my mouth.

Hinata's POV
     I looked down at Kageyama because he had stopped kissing my body and I was kind of confused. When I looked down I saw him starring back at me and then he went back and forth once or twice looking at me and then at my pants. My whole body felt kind of weird...especially my member it was twitching. Kageyama then stopped looking at me and started to unbutton my pants with his mouth. Then gently sliding my pants down my legs leaving me there in my boxers on the bed with Kageyama hovering over me. He then put his mouth on my boxer where my member was and he began kissing it. I moaned over and over again, my body wasn't listening to me anymore. My whole body was now Kageyama's to control and I strangely felt calm about that. Kageyama came back up to my face and kissed me over and over. I could taste his saliva in my mouth along with his tongue and it tasted sweet like honey. I felt his hand on the top of my boxers and him pulling them down and off of my legs. I decided that I didn't want to be the only one completely undressed so while we were still kissing I started taking off his pants and boxers.
"Put your legs up on my shoulders" Kageyama said.
     Without saying anything I put my legs up on his shoulders like he asked and watched him lick his fingers. I then felt something touch my entrance. He slowly put two fingers in and I flinched then moaning shortly after. He stretched his fingers apart and I winced in pain while grabbing onto the back of Kageyama's shirt. He asked me, "Does it hurt? Are you ok?"
"Y...yeah..." I said trying to hold back the pain in my voice. When he pulled his fingers out my entrance kind of felt empty but then he put his mouth against my ear and asked, "Can I put it in now?"
     I nodded and prepared myself for what was about to happen. I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt his member against me. I flinched when I felt it at first but I was really scared of him putting it in. Kageyama's member slowly entered me and I dug my nails into Kageyama's back so hard that I heard him wince quietly. After a moment Kageyama stopped and said, "Its all in...are you ok Hinata?"
"Yeah...I...I'm fine...you can move if you want?"
     Kageyama began to move thrusting his member into my entrance. My heartbeat sped up I thought it was going to burst. Kageyama put his hand on my member and started stroking it and still thrusting in and out of me slowly. Everywhere he touched and kissed me felt hot like I was melting from his touch. I started to moan and pant but I was trying to say something  but the words wouldn't come out. I finally took and big enough breath and tried to talk again, "K...Kageyama! Move...move faster!!"
     I moaned constantly and was gripping so hard onto Kageyama's flesh I felt a liquid running down one of my arms. My member was twitching so much and then I let out the weirdest moan. I felt something squirt me in the face, Kageyama looked at me so red in the face I felt my own face heat up. Kageyama bent down and licked some of the white substance off my face. Kageyama pulled out and again my entrance felt empty but Kageyama was only making me feel good. I felt bad and decided to ask him, "Kageyama...umm...how can I make you feel good too?"
"Well you made me feel really good and I didn't want to be the only one. Plus we are lovers so we both get to make the other one feel good, right?"
"Y...yeah I guess so..."
     I sat there and stared at him still with some of the white substance on my face. Kageyama couldn't look me it the eyes and was blushing so hard but he managed to speak, "Y...you can s...suck on it..."
     Kageyama points down to his member and my heart begins to race again. He is so big would I even be able to fit that in my mouth? But nonetheless I want to make him feel good to so I push his back onto the bed and start kissing his member. It started twitching and Kageyama let out a small moan. He covered his mouth and blushed heaven harder than I let out a small giggle. I put my tongue on the tip and moved my tongue around. Kageyama's body started twitching and he moaned even louder. I put his member in my mouth and sucked on it but i made these weird noises with my mouth. After another minute or so Kageyama's member squirted the same white substance all over my face and some of it got it my mouth. We sat up panting heavily and I swallowed the substance in my mouth and Kageyama looked at me shocked, "Did...did you swallow that?!"
     Kageyama looked away and blushed again. He then looked back at me and gave me a quick kiss on the lips and then grabbed me. We fell over on the bed and covered up with a blanket. Kageyama wrapped his arms around my naked body and I put my head on his bear chest. "Hey Tobio?"
"What's up?"
"When do you want to get married?"
"Whenever you want, Sho."
     I blushed at the nickname he gave me, "Then can we get married in spring? While the cherry blossoms are in bloom?"
"Of course!"
I nuzzled my head into his chest, "Hey Tobio?"
"I love you"
"I love you too"
     Thank you for reading this extra chapter and I hoped you like it. I'm so sorry that it took so long to publish this story I was having writers block. I have a request for you guys if you could help me out and in the comments leave ideas for different stories I can write I will also shout you out saying this was this person's idea. Thanks for reading!

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