He is My Setter!

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Hey I know that this was a pretty short fanfic sorry but I hoped you liked it. This will be the 5th and final part of this series and I will be writing more and make sure to read my note at the bottom as well because it's important.

Hinata wakes up and is still in Kageyama's arms. Hinata snuggles in tighter to his chest and realizes they are going to be late for there bus to go to the tournament today.

Kageyama's POV
I wake up slowly to the sound of Hinata trying to wake me up and he is shaking me but I don't really know why. I open my eyes and see his face looks worried, I then hear him say, "The tournament! We're going to be late Kageyama wake up!"
I realize he is right I hop out of bed and run down stairs, "You go ahead and get dressed and things. I'm going to make us a quick breakfast, so hurry down once your done," I yelled.
"Ok thank you Tobio!"
I started making the breakfast and then realized what Hinata had just called me! He called me by my first name, I can't believe I just caught that. After a little bit Hinata comes down stairs as I am just putting the plates down on the table. I walk over to him and lift his chin up and gave him a small kiss on the lips. He blushed so much, but I can't really talk because I blushed a bit as well. "So, Shoyo ready to eat?"
I look at him and he has a surprised face, "Shoyo?"
I giggled because he tilted his head like a puppy that was confused and just looked at me.
"Well, I don't think you caught it earlier but you called me Tobio. So I just assumed we were going to call each other by first names now."
"Oh...ok that's fine with me!"
We sat down and ate our breakfast quickly. It took me only a couple seconds to get ready and then we walk out of my house and towards our high school. We got there a bit late but the rest of the team decided to wait for us, so we could all go together. Hinata wanted to sit by me but called the window seat; which made me a little upset because I like the window seat. But I also like Hinata and I like him more that the window seat so I let him have it. About ten minutes into the trip Hinata fell asleep on my shoulder and when nobody was looking I kissed the top of his head. His orange fuzzy hair tickled my nose just enough that I almost sneezed because of it.
Once we got there I woke the orange haired boy up but he didn't feel like walking and asked me to carry him. He was still half asleep so I decided to grant his wish and carry him into the building until he woke up. I picked him up and he rapped his arms around my neck and his feet around my waist. I was just going to give him a piggyback ride but then he put his head on my shoulder and I just couldn't tell him no. I asked one of the other members if they could carry our stuff in since my hands were full.
As we walked throughout the building trying to find what court we were supposed to be on Hinata had awaken. I put him down but every once in a while he would almost bump into someone because he still wasn't fully awake. It was cute to watch but I felt bad so I let him hold onto the back of my jersey so he wouldn't bump into anyone.
We got to the court we were supposed to be on and by this time Hinata was fully awake and back to his joyful, bouncy self. Before we had to start I decided to go to the bathroom and Hinata followed me. As we were walking to the bathroom this girl stopped me. Hinata was behind me and I could see him getting angry because of the girl, "Get lost pipsqueak, I want to talk to your friend here alone." As soon as she said that Hinata went ballistic, "Pipsqueak huh? Back off this is my setter not your plaything so how about you get lost instead of me, thot?"
Hinata grabbed her hand and ripped it off my arm and through it down to her side. He then intertwined his hand with mine and walked away together from the girl standing there embarrassed of what just happened.
Hinata dragged me to the bathroom and we walked into a stall together. Without warning or a hint he brings my head down to his level and starts kissing me. Surprised out of my mind I pull away and see Hinata has a worried face expression.
"Do you not like me anymore Tobio?"
His question stunned me.
"Why would you say that?!"
I gripped his shoulders and looked into his eyes. I sighed and realized that we hadn't made things exactly official yet. I picked Hinata up grabbing his butt and putting his back against the wall. I looked straight into his eyes and said, "Hinata Shoyo will you go out with me and become my boyfriend?"
Hinata started tearing up and put his head on my shoulder, "Of course I will Tobio!"
I lifted his chin and started kissing him passionately, our tongues twisting together and tasting each others saliva as we kissed. Hinata was a deep red when I opened my eyes just a bit to see his face. I moved my lips down his cheek and onto his neck, Hinata moaned, and he covered his mouth. He looked surprised, "I have never made that sound before."
I giggled a little and moved his jersey off his shoulder and bit him on the collarbone, he moaned again but a bit louder this time. Hinata then pushed my head away and looked at me, "The tournament!!"
"The tournament we have to go we can finish some other time we have to go come on!!"
"Damn it!!"
We ran out of there and to the court where we knew we could be together and have fun on the court playing our volleyball.

Hi it's me again sorry I wanted you to read this note down hear because I want you to leave a comment on what stories or fanfics you want to see me write feel free to list more than one if you so desire. Thanks for reading this series!

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