Chapter Two Wow....That's a surprise.

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Hi guys!! This is chapter two so I should be a lot more intresting!:D I hope you enjoy.

xoxo, Amber


Sure enough, after a whole day practicing and packing, and a half of a niught's sleep, the next day we were off too England!

"Do you know how many girls are goiing to be there?" I can just see it...

"Well, the website said only every 100TH person could see the message about the auditions. DO you know how much that narrows it down? And do you know how lucky we are?!" She was practically screaming, as we boarded the plane.

"Shh!" Jesus, girl. I proceeded to fall asleep for the whole 11 hours. When I woke up Chai was freaking out over the landing.

"Oooooh my god!! Robin, we are actually here! I wish the plane ride would end. Longest landing EVER!" She was so excited she gripped the arm rest, and i thought she needed a brown paper bag.

"Calm down, it's almost over." She grabbed my hand. Ouch. We finally landed and she was the first one out of the plane, so I was stuck with our carry-ons. Angry, the first thing I did when I saw her was chuck her bag on her.

"OH MY GOD!" Chai screamed, ignoring my action. "WE ARE IN ENGLAND!!! THE SAME COUNTRY AS ONE DIRECTION!' I thought she was going to faint from lack of oxygen.

"Ssh! You don't want to draw a crowd. Now, let's get out room before they give it away, okay?" I said, gently pushing her toward the exit.

Once we got a taxi and left to the hotel, screaming girls were everywhere. Oh god. I took a guess on what was going on considering there were signs that said "I LOVE CARROTS!", "1...2...3...FLICK", and lastly, "I LOVE YOUR FOUR NIPPLES!"

I took Chai's hand so she wouldn't get lost in this chaos, "Excuse me," I said the nearest security guard, "i, where can we check into our room?" He nodded and motioned for me to go with him, I squeezed Chai's hand. He pushed through the crowd, easily.

We entered the lobby, which was absolutely beautiful! We went to the concert and checked in. The Bell-hop put our bags on the carrier thing, I don't why Chai packed so much stuff! Anyway, we took the elevator, or the 'lift' haha, up too floor 12 and settled.

I checked the time, only 7 PM, Hey you know what would be cool?" I told Chai.


"If we go next door and introduce ourselves to our "neighbors," who knows how long we are going to stay here?" Chai thought about it and agreed.

"Should we bring food?" Chai asked.

"Nah, we're just going to introduce ourselves." She went to go put on makeup, I just told her I'd meet her there and left with no make up, sweats, ad my hair in a bun.

I knocked on the door next to us and before I cold think, I was pulled in.

"Woah," I said, catching my balance, "What the hell was that about?"

"Sorry," Came a deep, rich British accent, "we didn't want more fans finding out where we are, and you don't really look dressed up to meet us."

What the hell? Why would I- Then it dawned on me, this young man I am looking at is HArry Styles! I turned around and three other boys.

"Wow," I stated, "who would've though? One Direction us staying ext to our room!" Like I said, I am not a total fan girl over them.

"Our?" asked, er..Liam, looking around, "There are more of you?

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