Chapter 4 Scrooge's Stolen Ice Cream

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"Umm what?" Darkwing asked as Baymax walked over to him.

 "On a scale of one to ten how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked.

 "Cool you have your own healthcare robot?" Gosalyn exclaimed.

 "Yeah it was our present to Mr.McDuck." Webby said.

 "Please lass, call me uncle Scrooge." Scrooge said trying to make things feel more like the old days which he found himself longing for once again.

 Scrooge often longed for these days to return, though he knew they likely never would. "Really!" Webby cried her eyes glowing with delight.

 "I have pancakes!" Beakly said setting a plate of pancakes in front of each duck "Sorry voice quack."

 Scrooge always loved when Beakly had these voice quacks, they reminded him of the old days which he missed so much. Baymax picked up Darkwing and set him back in his chair.

 "You have been a good duck have a lollipop." Baymax said handing Darkwing a tootsiepop.

 "Thanks." Darkwing said.

 Gosalyn reached over and quickly snatched the lollipop out of Darkwing's hand. 

"Blah!" Gosalyn cried spitting out the wrapper "Hehe forgot to remove the wrapper."

 "You stole my lollipop!" Darkwing exclaimed glaring at Gosalyn.

 Suddenly the door to McDuck manor burst open and in ran one of the workers from Scrooge's money bin. 

"Mr.McDuck!" he cried.

 "What is it?" Scrooge asked jumping out of his chair.

 "A strange plant-duck stole your ice cream, sir." the worker said.

 "A-A plant-duck stole my ice cream! A plant-duck stole my ice cream!" Scrooge continuously yelled jumping on top of everyone's pancakes. 

Webby and Gosalyn quickly stabbed their stacks and shoved them in their mouths before Scrooge could trample them.

 "Wow that must be some ice cream." Gosalyn said turning to Webby once they'd both swallowed their pancakes.

 "By ice cream uncle Scrooge means his fortune." Webby explained.

 "Did you just say uncle Scrooge?" Dewey asked.

 "If you had been listening you'd know that he told her to call him uncle Scrooge." Gosalyn snapped.

 "Dang! Savage!" Louie exclaimed.

 "Shut up, Louie!" Huey said.

"You shut up with your stupid woodchuck face!" Louie said. 

Huey was about to make a comeback but was cut off by Scrooge's scream.

 "Launchpad! Prepare the plane!"

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