Chapter 5 Where's Rufus

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"Look papa bear! It's Carnage and he's falling to his doom!" Kit said looking through the window of the Seaduck.

 "Haha! Serves that old pirate right!" Baloo chuckled.

 "Wait there's someone else out there too!" Kit said continuing to stare at the scene unfolding before them.

 "It's probably just some of Carnage's pirates." Baloo replied casually.

 "No it's a guy, correction, a crazy screaming guy, and a girl. They look like they may be Carnage's victims. We should help them, papa bear. After all we know what it's like to deal with those pirates all the time." Kit replied.

 "You're right, let's do this, Kit." Baloo said.

 Kit smiled and climbed out of the Seaduck as if he was going to do some cloud surfing. 

"Hey!" he called trying to get Kim and Ron's attention. 

When Kit realized that they couldn't hear him, he decided to try something different.

 "Papa bear, get closer!" Kit yelled.

 The Seaduck moved closer to them.

 "Grab my hand!" Kit cried. 

Though no one thought it was possible, Ron started screaming even louder.

 "Air pirates!" He screamed "More air pirates!"

 Ignoring Ron, Kim grabbed Kit's hand and he pulled the two into the Seaduck.

 "So you two have a little trouble with air pirates back there?" Kit asked once everyone was safely inside.

 "Yeah, thanks for saving us by the way." Kim replied.

 "Aw l! Don't mention it miss...?" Kit said stopping when he realized he didn't know either of their names.

 "Possible! Kim Possible." Kim said quickly "Oh, and that's Ron."

 "Hello." Ron said. "Well, it's nice to meet both of you." Kit said with a smile "I'm Kit Cloudkicker and that's Baloo." 

Kit pointed to Baloo who waved at the two. Beep! Beep! Beep, beep! Kim quickly grabbed her kimmunicator out if her pocket.

 "Hey Wade, what's the sitch?" she asked.

 "Hey Kim, glad to see you're okay. How's Ron?" Wade said.

 "He's fine." Kim replied.

 "So what was that about back there?" Wade asked.

 "Oh Wade you would not believe it! There we were just flying calmly when... Bam! We were attacked by these weird guys." Ron exclaimed.

 "You mean Don Carnage and his pirates. But yeah, they are pretty weird." Kit said.

 "Who's that?" Wade asked. 

"Oh, that's Kit Cloudkicker. He and his friend Baloo saved us." Kim replied "Kit this is Wade."

 "Nice to meet you." Kit said.

 "Nice to meet you too." Wade replied. 

"Alright we're here." Baloo said.

 "Excuse me but where are we?" Ron asked. 

"We're at Louie's." Kit said "Come on, we can talk more inside." 

They got out of the Seaduck and walked inside. Once inside they sat down and began talking.

 "So what did Carnage with you anyway?" Kit asked.

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