Chapter 8 A Strange Encounter

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"I am Don Carnage! Fierce pirate of the skies! Now surrender or die!" Don Carnage said drawing his sword.

"Hmph! You won't take me down so easily!" Scrooge yelled positioning himself ready to use his cane like a sword. Scrooge and the pirate began fighting. 

"Papa bear look!" Kit cried seeing the battle that was taking place on top of Scrooge's plane.

 "Air pirates!" Ron screamed.

 "Get me in close!" Kim shouted grabbing Kit's board.

 "KP what are you doing?" Ron yelled. 

"Helping!" Kim replied as the Sea Duck moved closer to Scrooge's plane.

 "More pirates!" Louie screamed in terror. 

"Louie that's Kim Possible, not more air pirates." Webby snapped rolling her eyes.

 "Kim Whatable?" Dewey asked.

 "Well, well, well. Kim Possible. Where's you're little sidekick Stop Ronable?" Don Carnage said as Kim landed beside Scrooge.

 "It's Ron Stoppable!" Ron yelled from the Seaduck. 

"Yes, yes, whatever." Don Carnage said.

 "Give it up, Don Carnage!" Kim shouted. 

"Not until I get the most valuable treasure in all the known universe." Don Carnage said.

 "Not happening!" Darkwing cried. 

"Who are you?" Don Carnage questioned.

 "I am the terror that flaps in the night!" Darkwing began.

 "Seriously, dad?" Gosalyn said. 

"Hush, Gosalyn." Darkwing said. 

"He's Darkwing Duck, and he's gonna help us kick your butt!" Webby cried. 

The four of them advanced forcing the air pirate back.

 "Fine! You may have won this time, but I'll be back!" Don Carnage cried flying away.

 "Aw man. He got away again." Ron groaned.

 "They always do." Kim pointed out.

 "Eh, true." Ron said with a shrug.

 "Are you alright?" Kim asked.

 "A little shaken but I'm fine, thanks KP." Ron said.

 "Not you, Ron." Kim said rolling her eyes. 

"I'm fine, thanks lass." Scrooge said. 

"No problem. I'm Kim, by the way, and this is Ron." Kim said. 

"I'm Scrooge McDuck, richest duck in the world." Scrooge said.

 "Um, Mr.McDee? Hate to interrupt, but, WE'RE GOIN' DOWN!" Launchpad cried.

 "Quick come with us." Kim said leading them to the Seaduck.

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