Chapter 6 So What's The Stitch?

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They finally arrived and Kim asked Wade to give them a route to their destination. Once this had been done, they began making their way across the island to Lilo's house.

* Meanwhile at Lilo's house *

"Ugghh! She's probably not coming. That's it! I'm going to find Stitch myself!" Lilo exclaimed.

 She walked downstairs and saw Plikley doing... something. She wasn't sure what but it was weird.

 "Umm, Plikley what are you doing?" Lilo asked.

 "Oh um, I just, nothing!" Plikley replied "What are you doing?"

 "I'm going to find Stitch." Lilo answered marching swiftly toward the door.

 Suddenly there was a knock.

 "Oh my goodness she's here!" Plikley cried running and opening the door.

 "Alright, so what's the sitch?" Kim asked as she walked through the door. 

Upon seeing her Plikley became so excited that he fainted.

 "You mean who's Stitch and he's my friend." Lilo said.

 "No, what's the sitch. It's a catchphrase." Kim said.

 "Stitch isn't a catchphrase!" Lilo exclaimed.

 Before Kim could reply plikley woke up.

 "I had the strangest dream." he said "Stitch was kidnapped by a crazy lady on a French Roll with a shot gun and Kim Possible came and... Kim Possible!"

 "Oh not this again." Muttered Jumba as Plikley fainted, again.

 "Now you see why you've got to help me?" Lilo asked.

 Kim nodded.

 "But how will we find this lady that took your koala?" she asked.

 "He's not a koala, and as far as how we'll find him I'm..."

 "How would you describe this lady?" Ron cried cutting her off.

 "Scary beyond all reason." Lilo answered. 

Ron threw down a map and pointing to a small corner he cried "There!"

"It's worth a try." Lilo said. 

"Alright let's go." Kim said. 

And with that, they were off!

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