Chapter 9 Splitting Up

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"So what do we do now?" Lilo asked. 

"I think you and your friends should go ahead to find Stitch while the rest of us help the ducks." Kim said. 

"Sounds reasonable." Jumba said.

 "Then it's settled." Scrooge said.

 "Excuse me, Mr.Stoppable?" Chip squeaked.

 "Yes, Chip?" Ron asked.

 "Do you think maybe us Rescue Rangers could go with Lilo and her friends and look for Rufus there?" Chip asked.

 "Of course you can." Ron replied.

 "Alright we're here." Baloo said.

 "Well I guess this is goodbye." Plikley began sadly.

 "Oh come on." Jumba growled grabbing the one-eyed alien and dragging him out of the plane.

 "It's been great! I'll really miss you!" Plikley screamed.

 "We'll see them again Plikley!" Lilo snapped exiting the Sea Duck.

 "See you soon, Mr. Stoppable." Chip said. 

"Bye." Ron said. 

"Alright let's go." Kim said.

*With Lilo*

"Alright, we need to find Stitch and get out of here fast. So whatever you do, we don't split up. Got it?" Lilo asked. 

The area behind her was empty. Jumba and Plikley had left, not bothering to listen to what Lilo had to say.

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