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"I think this is how you spell it," David said.

"WRONG!" Jackson screeched. 

"At least I know how to pronounce it...I think it's.. noo-moh–"

"WRRROOONNNGGGG!! It's pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis! What's so hard to understand, David?" Jackson bickered.

David threw his hands up in defeat and cried, "Everything! I just don't understand the meaning of life anymore..."

"In the ancient Jacksonian Blackberry Dictionary, the meaning of life is defined as 'living hell, a series of pain and suffering in which souls have to endure on a regular basis'. A synonym for 'Life' is 'Torment'. An antonym, 'Paradise'."

David gaped at Jackson with his mouth wide open as Jackson blurted put the meaning of Life right in front of him. David was greatly amazed.

"Teach me your ways..." David said.

Jackson smirked and said, "Only if you can spell 'intelligent'."

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