Tunnel to Hades

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The next morning, we had breakfast in the big dining room. We travelled on carriages to the docks, where a ship was waiting for us. The ship looked more metal and rock than traditional wood. The black sides of the ship seemed to have thin lava veins running through them. The top of the mast had our symbol on the flag tied to it: a skull with a rose and a cutlass crossed behind it. Devin, Jazz, Gabby, and I boarded the ship and sailed away on the red tinted water.

We sailed smoothly into a high ceiling tunnel and can see the bright light of the entrance shrink away behind us. I sat next to Devin, who was at the top deck at the front the ship. "It's so nice to see you again," I said.

"Same here," he smiled. He thought for a moment then asked, "Did you really think I was going to marry that princess?" I quietly nodded, looking away from him. "You know I would never do that," he said wrapping his arms around me, "I will wait for you till the day I die." I knew that was bull but I hugged him back. I just really missed the way he made me feel warm and safe in his arms.

"Kraken!!!" our silent moment was broken with Jazz's yell from the back of the ship. We rushed there and found Gabby with Jazz pointing at six giant tentacles waving in the air like dancing snakes out of the water. One of the spiked-suction cupped tentacles fell from the air but Jazz zapped it backwards with his hand. The smoking tentacle returned now towards me along with another. I leaned backwards, avoiding the giant swing then quickly pulled out my cutlass and sliced off a huge piece of the tentacle. Devin jumped in front of me and swung his axe downward, slamming the second tentacle to the floor and chopping it.

"It's grabbing our ship!" Gabby shouted while repeatedly hitting a tentacle wrapped on the side of the ship with her staff.

Jazz ran towards the front of the ship. "I will move the ship forward," he said and flicked his fingers sending a lightning bolt towards the tentacle, stunning it and making it slump into the water, "while you guys take care of the monster." Jazz got to the steering wheel and flipped through the pages of his spell book. He then raised his arm into air and the ship jerked forward, pulling with it the last two tentacles holding on to the ship with it. I stabbed one of them with one of my cutlasses and it raised up above my head. I swung both blades across my chest in an X motion slicing of the slimy appendage and it fell on the wood with a thud.

On the other side of the ship, the other tentacle was whipping itself at Devin. "Dammit, dammit, dammit!" he said in frustration as he kept missing the appendage with his swinging axe. Suddenly, there was a transparent purple chain net over the tentacle seeming to have trapped it in place. Devin grunted as he swung his axe into the tentacle and chopped off a huge chunk of it. "Thanks bro!" called out Devin. Jazz gave him a thumbs up in response then resumed to moving the ship forward.

The underwater monster drew back its shortened tentacles from the ship and into the water. It rose its giant bulbous shiny one-eyed head from under the sea and let out a low screech creating waves in the water which sent our ship rocking forward. The kraken raised its last full length tentacle about to drop it on us, when Gabby came running and stomped the stand of her staff heavily on the floor. An intense beam of light erupted from the orb on the top of the staff and pierced through the giant eye of the kraken. The power of the beam sent the ship flying right over the water for about a mile and crashed back into the water. We could see the kraken fall and sink into the water and let out a final low screech.

We sailed out of the tunnel and into the wide open world. The sun and blue skies and seas was almost too blinding for someone who's spent seven years underground. The air was fresh and smelled like sweet freedom. Well. . . except for the smell of severed squid parts that we had to haul off our ship.

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