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The first thing I was met with when I felt myself waking up was pain. My whole body was sore, and my legs and arms stung along with my face. I don't remember what happened after the man charged at me, nor do I remember the sirens that arrived seconds later.

"She should be awake soon," an unfamiliar voice spoke.

"You promise, Doctor?" Seungmins voice came from my right. "Is her mom here?"

"She's in the operating room right now," the doctor sighed. "We'll tell her once she's out."

"Okay," Seungmin's sighed.

"Hyung," Taehwan voice whined. "Is Noona Okay?"

"She's fine Tae," Seungmin comforted.

"I'm okay," I croaked out as I opened my eyes. "Is there any water?"

"Yes," the doctor said from the foot of my bed. "I'll bring you some along with some more painkillers. I'll be right back." With that, the doctor left and Seungmin lifted Tae to sit on a vacant spot.

"Does Unnie know?" I immediately questioned as Tae crawled up, and laid on his side by me. Seungmin nodded. "Tell her I'm awake please."

"Jisungs on his way too," Seungmin jumped in. "The others are coming tomorrow and Noona couldn't get any time off work so she'll visit you at home."

"How long was I out?" I grew curious and Seungmin inhaled sharply.

"A few hours," he answered. "It's almost 1 in the morning."

"Why didn't you stop Jisung?" I questioned and he glared.

"I tried," he retorted. "Chan almost came too but he got caught sneaking out."

"Turkey," I tried to pay Tae's back. "Go to sleep in the empty bed. Seungmin will probably sleep there too."

He nodded, and patted my head softly before going to the other bed. Seungmin handed him his squirrel stuffed animal before covering him with a blanket. Afterwards, Seungmin grabbed a chair, and quietly pulled it up to the bed.

"Why would you go into the house," Seungmin started. "There were so many signs. Do you want to star on a crime show or something for being 'based on a true story?' What are you, stupid? Why would you do that? You're so lucky Jisung was on the phone. He's probably scarred though because he witnessed it."

"Why didn't he hang up," I mumbled. "Look, I know it was dumb as hell but I needed to make sure Tae was there."

"Well, he luckily wasn't," Seungmin sighed. "They has walked to the park, and someone broke in. Apparently they thought you lived there and got scared."

"Bring me my school stuff?" I questioned and he only glared. "I'll take that as a yes."

"You give me headaches," he groaned, and laid his head on the bed.

Weakly, I ran my fingers through his hair. "Do you have a headache?" Seungmin only hummed in response, and I sighed. "The doctor should be back in a minute, why don't you ask for painkillers?"

"I will," he mumbled. "They've been getting worse so I might ask for a prescription or something."

I nodded my head, and on que, the doctor walked in with a cup of water, and a syringe. "It'll take a few minutes for this to kick in, but you should be able to sleep fine."

"Hey Doctor," I started, and he nodded as he put the painkillers into my IV. "Do you have anything for migraines? Seungmin has heterochromia, and sees different colors so he gets really bad migraines."

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