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Exams had passed before everyone was able to hang out again. Exams passing also meant my birthday was in a week. I wasn't excited, but Hani and Seungmin were already planning something. Which is why the guys were all at the coffee house while Hani and I were working our shift. They would whisper something before laughing causing customers to either smile or glare, there was no in between. The bell chimed, and luckily I noticed who it was and shoved Hani into the back.

"What would you like Daniel," I sighed, and noticed both Seungmin and Jisung's heads snap in this direction.

"Hani's number," Daniel stated, arms crossed. "And an iced americano."

"No, you aren't getting her number and that'll be 2500 won," I responded, taking his cash and giving him his change. Writing it down, I went to make it since Hani was hiding in the back still.

"Why can't I have her number," he stated, catching the attention of the guys. I saw Seungmin holding Changbin down.

"She has a soulmate," I replied. "And you have one too. Stop rejecting the the guy because I know that's why you two broke up in the first place. She has her and you have yours just leave it at that, and stop trying. Now, here's your drink."

Daniel sighed, grabbed the plastic cup and left. Seconds later, Hani came out and Changbin walked up to the counter. Letting them into the back, I only hoiped that Changbin wouldn't o anything excessive to Daniel. Knowing Daniel he'd press charges if Changbin hurt him, and I like Changbin more than Daniel.

"Does he come here allot?" Jisung questioned, walking up to the counter.

"Yeah," I sighed, and shrugged. "It's just annoying. Want anything?"

"I'm good," he shook his head and stood back. "When do you get off?"

"I'm closing," I sighed and looking at the clock. "So in like 5 hours. Shouldn't you be heading home to do homework? There's school tomorrow."

"Says the one that gets off at midnight," he scoffed, and I glared. "Anyways, tomorrow is Friday, so you have work?"

"Nope," I shook my head. "Not until Monday. Why, what's up?"

"Let's do something."

Blinking, I looked up and nodded slowly. We've never really done anything other than hang out with our friends. He only grinned and walked back to the table, Changbin and Hani coming out of the back room soon after. I noticed new flowers on both, and looked at Hani.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Shut up and get to work," she hissed, smacking my arm while I laughed.


It was now closing time, and I had just turned the open sign off, and lockd the front entrance when my phone rang. Answering the FaceTime call, I smiled seeing Jisung. He waved before he began talking. Shutting the curtains, cleaning the table and flippingthe chairs up, I listened as Jisung ranted about what his brother had done once he got home, and headed behind the counter. Wiping the counter down, I cleaned everything back then and put away anything left out.

"Are you alone?" Jisung suddenly asked. "I thought you were closing by yourself tonight?"

"What," I tensed. "I am. Ji, don't scare me like that. Don't make me send you to the hospital."

"No, but I swear someone was in the back room," he stated. "Maybe Hani came back, or a coworker left something?"

"There shouldn't be anyone else here," I murmured. "Let's check it out."

"That's the beginning line of every horror movie ever," he pointed out. "Now you're going to die. Great, you're already dead on me and I didn't even get a kiss today."

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