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It's been a week since the argument between my parents. Tae and I had gone home the day after Jisung came to comfort me, and mom had profusely apologized until I forgave her. Tae had immediately hugged her once he set her sights on her that afternoon.

It was currently 2 in the morning, and I could not fall asleep. Jisung was on FaceTime, already knocked out and sleeping while Seungmin spammed me with text. I was officially 18 today so he was the first to text, a second before Jisungs call. He was upset that Seungmin beat him and didn't stop pouting for a good 10 minutes.

"Sissy," I turned towards my door creaking open. Tae stood clad in his plaid pajama pants, his squirrel stuffie in hand. "I had a nightmare."

"Come here Tae," I motioned him over, and he crawled under my covers.

"Is that Jisung?" he questioned, looking at my phone.

"Yep," I nodded. "He's asleep so be quiet."

Tae nodded his head, hair bouncing in every direction. He was due for a cut soon.

"Happy birthday sissy," Tae yawned, kissing my cheek before falling asleep.

With a smile, I plugged my phone up but didn't hang up. Jisung had music on his end that was very calming, and I closed my eyes. My arms hugged Tae, and I drifted off to sleep.


A few clicks were heard, causing me to wake up. Luckily it was the weekend so we had no class, and could sleep in. Seems like someone snuck in anyway, and their camera has woken me up.

"Whoever it is, delete those pictures," I mumbled, not opening my eyes. "It's between Seungmin, Hani, and Ji, which one of you fuckers-"

"We're all older than you you ungrateful child," Hani's voice cut me off. "And I'm not deleting them because shockingly, both you and Jisungs phones are still alive, and you're both asleep. Its cute. You two a thing?"

"Hani, meet my soulmate, a dumbass," I muttered.

"Sissy that's not nice," Tae's voice reaches my ear this time. "Happy birthday sissy."

"Thank you baby," I grinned, and opened my eyes. I heard rustling, and saw Jisung just waking up too.

"I'll take Tae and get him ready," Hani stated, picking my brother up and leaving my room, shutting the door behind her.

"Who was that," Jisungs deep morning voice caught my attention.

"Hani," I yawned, and grabbed my pillow. "I think I told her youre my soulmate... I was half dead."

"Good job," he sarcastically gave me a thumbs up.

"It's too early for sarcasm," I whined, and he laughed before coughing. "Too early to laugh too it seems."

"Shut up," he responded, and more rustling was heard and he seemed to sit up. My eyes were closed again. "I'm going to get ready and come over. See you soon."

I hummed in response, shutting my off and setting it on the bed. To me, it was still too early considering it was 7:16 in the morning. With that, I fell back asleep.


"Babe," someone called, and my door creaked open. "Wake up. Tae wants to see you."

"I live with him," I mumbled, turning on my side to face the door. My eyes stayed closed, and I hugged my pillow. "He's alright if I sleep all day."

"Well Hani made breakfast," Jisung chuckled, and my bed dipped and groaned under the newly added weight. "You should probably get up."

With a groan, I opened my eyes and blinked to get used to the brightness. Looking at Jisung, I glared before sitting up. I heard his laugh, and he ruffled my already slightly messy head, and kissed my forehead.

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