CC7 - Part 4

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This was supposed to be my perfect little getaway. My time away from all the stress in Boston when I could just focus on having fun without any complications: Spring Break in my hometown. Miami was known for throwing outrageous parties and I was excited to be back. My teammates were in for a lot of fun. But there was one thing that bothered me this year. Some of my drama had followed me in form of a very attractive teammate I had hooked up with not too long ago.

I was laying by the hotel pool and soaking up the sun to get a tan while Camila was sitting on the other side of the pool. Her feet were dangling in the water and she was laughing hysterically at something Mel was saying. Thank God I was wearing the black wayfarer sunglasses so no one noticed me staring at the younger one. I should be upset with her but I couldn’t stop looking at her! This was so infuriating that I took a big sip of my drink.

Why was she even here? We had arrived a few hours ago and all I knew was that Lara was with Austin and our captain Mel had invited Camila because the young mom was lonely. Why was she lonely though? Couldn’t she stay with her perfect little family? I honestly didn’t understand why she wanted to join our party trip when she was back together with Austin.

“Hey! Are you not going to join us in the pool?”, Luis was soaked and fell on the sun lounger next to me.

“Maybe later”, I mumbled and inhaled deeply.

“What’s going on with you? You’ve been excited about this trip for weeks and now that we’re here, you’re not enjoying it”, my friend noticed pretty quickly that something was off.

“Nothing’s going on, I’m just tired”, I lied because I didn’t want to explain why I was struggling to have a good time.

“Then take a nap or something because I need my wing-woman”, he grinned while I turned to him now.

“Who’s the lucky lady?”, I smirked.

“The new chick on your team. Camila, right?”, he pointed towards the brunette and I felt my pulse quicken instantly. Obviously he didn’t know about my history with the Californian but I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to. “She’s really hot”, he added and fueled this weird feeling of jealousy when I shouldn’t be jealous at all.

“I don’t think you should go there”, I said as nonchalantly as possible.

“Oh but I want to”, Luis winked at me and seeing his eyes fill with desire while watching Camila was driving me nuts for some reason.

“She has a kid and a husband”, I blurted out and the Brazilian looked at me in shock.

“Oh”, he was clearly baffled. “Ok, then I really shouldn’t go there.”

I kept quiet in hopes this conversation would end. Technically I wasn’t lying. I wasn’t sure if Austin was Camila’s husband or ex-husband at this point. The only thing I knew was that Camila had said they weren’t together anymore. That could mean they were still married just separated. And after what had happened at her apartment, I was pretty sure they were back together anyway.

“Lauren?”, I heard an unfamiliar voice saying and looked up.

“Emily?”, my own voice almost cracked because I was so surprised.

The girl with dirty-blond hair and green-blueish eyes was showing off her perfect teeth in a big smile. I had trouble focusing on anything else than her perfect body before I reached her face, though. She was just wearing a bikini, which was normal considering we were at a pool area but her body was anything but normal! It was otherworldly. The blue fabric only covered the minimum of skin that was necessary but she didn’t leave much to the imagination. I gulped slightly and wasn’t usually this easily flustered.

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