Chapter 8: Hello Again

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Author's POV:

Alfred woke up Saturday morning with a text from Arthur.

He didn't really see it the first time he checked his phone, opening up his Spotify app and going on his work out playlist. He put on some work out clothes, his earbuds, and went on his morning run. It was raining outside so he doubted there was practice that day, his coach may be harsh sometimes but he does care about the team and doesn't want them getting sick. On his jog, he passed Antonio and Ludwig, both doing their own thing and who nicely waved at him as he passed.

At the end of his jog, he was back in his dorm and went to shower, grabbing some clothes before hand.

It was after his shower and when he started messing with his apps that noticed the text notification. He tapped on it and read it.

'Hello Alfred. It's Arthur. My heat is over if you wanted to come over today.'

He read it over again. And again. Three times.

"His heat is over." Alfred mumbled, and smiled.

He sat on his bed and started texting a reply.

'Hey Artie! So your heat is over? That's cool. I'll come over later! See ya soon!'

After he sent it, he got up from his bed and grabbed his stuff. There was no assigned homework-yay-so he only put his computer into his backpack. He threw on a hoodie and stuffed his phone in his pocket and started leaving his room. Because it was Saturday, there were no classes that day and students were free to go into the town or stay within the academy. Alfred had a wicked smile on his face as he ran to the car garage and got out his car (his parents gave it to him for his 16th birthday as a congrats on passing the driving test his second try) (Alfred was still sour that the squirrel got in the road and made him swerve to avoid hitting it, instead getting on the sidewalk and getting the car stuck).

It was a red 20XX Porsche 718 Cayman.

He was not walking in the rain.

The blond jumped into the driver's seat and drove out the student garage, going to Arthur's academy. He saw a car garage ahead and drove into it, seeing a security guard at the gate.

"Name, name of student you're visiting, and relation to student." She recited in a monotonous voice, not looking away from her computer to inspect him yet. By her scent, or lack thereof, Alfred could tell she was a Beta.

"Ah, Alfred F. Jones, Arthur Kirkland, I'm his assigned buddy? I mean, I go to the other academy up the road. Here's my student ID and drivers license." He got the two IDs from his wallet and gave them to the guard, who looked them over.

"Oh, that buddy stuff started huh?" She mumbled as she went onto her computer to type in his name. "If this is going to be a frequent thing, you need to get a car pass from the main office which allows you to leave your car here regularly. It also lets you take out up to three students at a time, unless you're family, from the academy. Garage hours are 5am-11pm. Here's the slip you need to give me on your way out. The pass, if and when you get it, allows you to just show it to me and you don't get any slips or need to pay. Since you're a student, this stuff is generally free, but after about 20 times you do need to pay, so I suggest getting a pass. Have a great day." She handed back the two IDs and the little handle went up, letting Alfred drive in and find a place to park.

He parked on the first floor and found the exit leading to the main office. "Well today's my lucky day." Alfred smiled as he passed a young alpha boy who was smiling and running in the rain, looking very happy and excited.

Walking into the office, Alfred saw a few parents sitting on chairs, most likely waiting to see their kids. The lady behind the counter was free so he walked over to her and gave her a charming smile. The fellow alpha gave him a knowing look.

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