Chapter 14: Daycares and Nightmares

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We're back to the end of chapter 12! These are the events that follow!


No One's POV:

One of the kids hadn't eaten yet. She was refusing to eat. Alfred was getting frustrated. Why are kids so hard to deal with?!

"Victoria! You can't play if you don't finish eating." Alfred tried to threaten her, but she just shrugged and pushed the plate away. She hadn't eaten a bite.

He sighed and looked over at Arthur, who was finishing feeding Keabetswe-he should just call her Kia, it would be easier-her food. Arthur looked over at him and he motioned to Victoria. Arthur nodded and handed the spoon to the woman who had popped her head in before. Alfred learned her name was Maria.

She's an alpha, age 21, and was born in Venezuela. She had also been born with vitiligo-basically there were different blotches of skin that had different colors. Her natural color seemed to be tan, but there were very pale patches on her face and body. Apparently, her parents didn't like the criticism of having a 'different' child and had left her at the academy when she was 7. Her parents thought no one would want to mate their children with her. (Jokes on them apparently because she was mated to a lovely deaf omega named Catalina from Colombia.)

Something that really really surprised Alfred was that she had NSD, or No Scent Disorder stage 1. It basically means that she can't smell scents or anything really, but she did have a scent of her own. It was very dangerous because that meant she couldn't tell the difference between a beta, omega, or alpha unless she saw their marks, and that could have gotten her into a lot of trouble. Luckily, the academy provides universal health care for all the residents-as done by the government-and she is being treated. It apparently helped her a lot because she can sorta smell now, and tell the difference between signs, but nothing beyond that. She told him she hopes to smell a rose one day before she dies.

Arthur sitting next to him pulled him out of his thoughts.

The omega looked at Victoria with a raised eyebrow. She pouted at him and pulled her plate back, and started to eat her mashed potatoes and pizza. Arthur nodded and was about to get up, but Alfred held him down.

"Whoa Artie, not so fast. You haven't eaten yet." Alfred said. Arthur shrugged. He shook his head then made the sign for hungry, creating a 'c' with his hand-his fingers were curved but not touching the palm-and the fingertips and the palm were facing his chest, with his arm horizontal, going from the top of his chest down to the stomach.

'Not hungry.'

Alfred sniffed his scent. There was a beach smell in it. He didn't know what it meant, but he guessed Arthur was lying.

"No way, dude. You need to eat. Now go and grab some pizza." Alfred pointed at the boxes off to the side of the table where the alpha kids were getting more slices. As alphas, they had a tendency to eat more, which really confused Alfred as to why Victoria wasn't eating. Was she sick or something?

Alfred sniffed her scent but didn't smell anything that was usually related to sickness.

Arthur had sighed next to him and removed his arm, getting up and walking over to the boxes of food with a paper plate.

The school was usually donated food from local restaurants and fast food places on weekends, and since it was Sunday, they were full of restaurant food. (Alfred found that so cool.)

Arthur, as was told, grabbed a slice of pizza. He held it up for Alfred to see, making a small show out of it moving the plate back and forth careful to to drop it, then picked up the slice again with his other hand and bit into it.

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