Chapter 32.5: Lovino Freaks Out

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This is a short story of Lovino freaking out when Arthur talks to him at full volume and not a whisper

(Also I wrote this on my phone [the bane of my existence] so sorry if the spacing or the formatting is bad!)


No One's POV:

Lovino shuffled through the hallway, mentally replaying the conversation he had with Antonio a few hours ago, way before he called Arthur and demanded they had a sleepover in his room, just the two of them.

Something he would discuss with Arthur and see what the other omega thinks he should do.

"Artú? I'm here to pick you up." The brunette knocked on his friend's door, waiting patiently. His Mamma would call it a miracle if she saw him now.

Arthur opened his door and stepped out beside Lovino, taking his hand and holding it lovingly.

"You have an alpha, stop flirting with me," Lovino smirked.

Arthur snorted and closed the door. Both omegas walked back down the hallway, swinging their hands as they walked and giggling at their stupidity.

They finally reached Lovino's room and Arthur set his stuff down by the closet where he always does, making it noisy too so Lovino knew he set the stuff down.

"Settle down bitch, I have tea."

Lovino set Arthur on his bed and the two laid down, facing each other and hugging their respective pillows while Lovino told Arthur the latest gossip.

"So as you already know, your sister is pretty chummy with that Dutch guy, Abel, and your brothers are all over that. It's really funny. But anyway, I heard Alister is making him create a love-spoon too if he wants to get anywhere near your sister again!"

Arthur started to laugh. He knew Ally was overprotective but sheesh! This is ridiculous!

The two had a good laugh, but Lovino quieted down too fast. Arthur noticed the uneasy scent Lovino had and reached out to take his hand.

Lovino gave a heavy sigh and closed his eyes, trying to imagine the darkness was created only by his eyelids and nothing else.

"Antonio wants to court me, Artú."

Arthur gave off a strange squawk sound and Lovino chuckled, holding his hand closer.

"I know, I know. I should be talking about this with Feli, or my Mamma e Papà, but I don't know what to do. Telling them makes it feel so real to me. This alpha, this Antionio, I cuss him out! I yell at him! I punched him once because he scared me yelling out of nowhere! Perché mai mi vorrebbe? Scegli me?" Lovino's voice cracked and he came to the horrifying realization that he'd begun to cry.

Arthur pulled him closer and positioned them to Lovino could be able to smell his calming scent close to his neck. As Lovino continued to sob, Arthur made a drastic decision and decided to roll with it. It's Lovino! He's helped Arthur through so much, Arthur must repay the favor!

Taking a deep breath, Arthur began to sing. It was a song he connected to deeply. The song his father sang to him as a lullaby after his mother's death.

An old, touching song.

"Hey, Jude, don't make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better"

Lovino slowly quieted down, either from shock or that he was actually getting comfortable Arthur didn't know, but it was working.

"Hey, Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better

And anytime you feel the pain,
Hey, Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder"

Lovino let out a chocked laugh, sniffling a bit and pulling Arthur closer. Arthur held him tightly, slightly winded.

"Hey, Jude, don't let me down
You have found her, now go and get her
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better"

Arthur ended the song there, half because Lovino finished crying and half because Lovino cut him off with a kiss to the cheek.

"You ass. Don't sing if you're uncomfortable." Lovino mumbled to him, opening his eyes to reveal golden eyes. Arthur smiled at him.

"But I wanted to sing for you to help you feel better."

A few seconds passed before Lovino jumped up and fell off his bed.



"You really think I should get with Antonio?" Lovino huffed and chuckled, squeezing Arthur's hand.

"Yes, of course Lovi! It's obvious you really like him and he obviously likes you if he asked you to give him permission to court you! Why else would he do that if he wasn't serious about this?!" Arthur smiled, beyond happy for his best friend.

"So I should accept?"

"Lovi, you always smell so happy after you spend time with Antionio-even if the scent blockers do cover most of it. I say you take this chance at happiness."

"...Can you dial the phone for me? I need to call my Papà and tell her I'm being courted."

"Yeah. I will."

"Hey, Artú?"



"Tha fàilte ort, a charaid."


Yay! Thanks for reading this guys, I had fun writing it! (even though I almost accidentally deleted the whole thing...) It's short and not really a chapter, but I have a special reason for it!

This is a small gift for a special reader of mine on Wattpad.


Thanks for your help, Rory. ;) I hope you enjoy this little gift. It came from out of nowhere, I know, buuuuuuuuut I really think you deserve it.

Italian Translations (off Google):
Artú - Arthur
Mamma e Papà - Mother and Father
Perché mai mi vorrebbe? Scegli me? - Why would he ever want me? Choose me?
Grazie - Thank you.

Scottish Gaelic Translations (off Google):
Tha fàilte ort, a charaid. - You're welcome, my friend.

The song is Hey Jude by The Beatles but the version I'm using is covered by the-lily-starr on YouTube.

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